Tuesday, March 3, 2015



I had two emails the other day today
one simply said:
Thanks for the daily thoughts.
I look forward to something positive every day.
The other said he liked my Rumi quote.
“You are not a drop in the ocean,
You are the entire ocean in a drop.”

Now I ask you to ponder the Rumi quote.
Are you a drop?
The entire ocean in a drop?
For how many drops
must we take out of the ocean
before we no longer call it an ocean?
How many drops does it take to make an ocean?
If every drop is not the entire ocean in a drop
then how many drops does it take to become the ocean?
And if the entire ocean is not in every single drop
then how could all those many drops ever become the ocean?

For in that quote I see
that we are all part of something far vaster
than we can imagine,
yet the essence of all that is
resides in each one of us.
May you glimpse that today,
an intuitive knowing that we
are all expressions of God
in our own unique way.
Just as the ocean is expressed
in every drop that makes it up.

God blesses you and yours this day and every day, Keith

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