Sunday, November 29, 2020

A Thanksgiving Gift

A Thanksgiving Gift


A dear friend Sandy,

shares daily messages she gets during meditation

through automatic writing from her team.

Today the message "Who You Are"

prompted me to share this reply I made

to her and her team with all of you.


"You are always aligned with love.

Your human perceptions may beg to differ..."

I had a shift in perceptions on Thanksgiving eve.

With all the covid concerns,

we kept scaling back plans.

Laura cooked pumpkin pies.

We decided to deliver them

to my son and daughter's family's that evening.


As we drove to my daughter's family's house,

I began to think of Jane E.,

the wife I lost 10 years ago,

just over two months before Thanksgiving that year.

As I sunk into a funk about it,

I thought how sad it was

to not be with us,

to not experience her grandchildren.


My thought was,

"How many have you missed now?"

Instantly, this awareness arose

as she responded emphatically with,

"Not a one!"


At that moment,

I knew it was her

with a special Thanksgiving gift this year.

Reminding me,

"you are always aligned with love!"


All My Love Always, Keith