Friday, February 5, 2016

Taking Steps 02.05.16

Taking Steps 02.05.16

Saturday I fly to England.
Sunday I start a week-long spiritual healing course.
I've been strongly drawn to healing since I got involved
with Spring Forest Qigong nearly five years ago.

Last fall I started a Qigong practice group
and started doing Qigong healing sessions with people.
This workshop is just a continuation of opening up to healing,
exposing myself to different healing modalities.

As it's stated in their literature:
During this unique and individual course, we will utilize
the power of healing in all of its aspects.
This is a Spiritual course exploring and advancing the energies
of the healer to create a perfect healing environment for all.

I think back to Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Faith is taking the first step even when
you don't see the whole staircase.
When I saw that on Facebook that day
I responded with: or where the staircase actually leads.

That's been my spiritual journey these last five years.
Digging into things I didn't understand.
Leading me on to things
I would never have expected to get involved in.

So Saturday I take a flight to England.
Taking steps yet again.
Into a healing workshop.
Where those steps will ultimately lead
is unknown to me.

Exploring my Spirituality in yet a different way,
exploring my concepts of reality in a new way,
stepping into a new way of being a healer.
Anchored in a deep faith and feeling led
to take those steps of that, I am sure.

All My Love Always, Keith