Thursday, December 3, 2020

Be The Light

Be The Light

Facebook brought me this

from their Share A Memory feature.

It is from December 3rd, 2015.

I thought all I was sharing

was the quote and image.

Since all that was all that displayed

in the Share A Memory box.

I was pleasantly surprised

by what I wrote back then.

It comes as a reminder

that it just may be more relevant

in these times of social distancing

and quarantines than it was then.

Here it is:


I sat with and an excellent read the other day.

Then during a discussion,

I was told to do nearly the same thing.

Spirit is always sending us messages.

If we but still ourselves enough

to recognize its presence.

You may be thinking now:

How am I to be the light?

Well, what resonated with me

from that book was this statement.

When you want to connect to Source,

whatever your name for it is.

Imagine a column of light

from your heart to Source.

I envision this beautiful

golden glowing umbilical cord

soaring into the heavens.

There it connects to the Source

of the infinite,

the unconditional love of the universe.

To the infinite, unconditional love

of All That Is.

The other thing?

Envision yourself standing there

with whoever you want to help.

Hold this vision

of both of your souls

standing there in front of you.

Holding hands with one another

face to face.

Envision this golden beam of love energy

moving energetically

back and forth between your souls.

Communicating whatever

it is you want to.

Be it healing, love,

or just to support them on a soul level.

I did that sitting

in church last Sunday.

I knew of two people

who required healing energy.

I sat there and held the connection

to infinite unconditional love.

I saw this golden heart sized

umbilical cord of divine connection

going from my heart to the heavens.

I also saw two streams

of that golden energy

connecting to my friends.

Joining them at their heart level.

Beaming in compassion,

love, and healing power.

It was like a visual

silent prayer for them.

Try being the light.

I know you'll love this new way

to pray for others.


All My Love Always, Keith

Sunday, November 29, 2020

A Thanksgiving Gift

A Thanksgiving Gift


A dear friend Sandy,

shares daily messages she gets during meditation

through automatic writing from her team.

Today the message "Who You Are"

prompted me to share this reply I made

to her and her team with all of you.


"You are always aligned with love.

Your human perceptions may beg to differ..."

I had a shift in perceptions on Thanksgiving eve.

With all the covid concerns,

we kept scaling back plans.

Laura cooked pumpkin pies.

We decided to deliver them

to my son and daughter's family's that evening.


As we drove to my daughter's family's house,

I began to think of Jane E.,

the wife I lost 10 years ago,

just over two months before Thanksgiving that year.

As I sunk into a funk about it,

I thought how sad it was

to not be with us,

to not experience her grandchildren.


My thought was,

"How many have you missed now?"

Instantly, this awareness arose

as she responded emphatically with,

"Not a one!"


At that moment,

I knew it was her

with a special Thanksgiving gift this year.

Reminding me,

"you are always aligned with love!"


All My Love Always, Keith


Wednesday, September 16, 2020



Jane E. September 16, 2020,

hard to believe this is your tenth Angelversary.

I think back to the song

I was led to in the early days,

“To Where You Are” by Josh Groban.

So many times, I would listen to that one.

“Fly me up to where you are

beyond the distant star

I wish upon tonight to see you smile.”

I sat there early yesterday morning,

sipping coffee and thinking of you.

Remembering this day

from ten years ago

and all the other days we had,

I went looking to be led again.

This time to quotes, I found these:

“I believe that tears can heal,

that memories can comfort,

and Love lives on forever.”

I kept digging and was led to this one too

by Joanne Fink:

“Those who once touched your life in love

will live in your heart forever.”


I started my day.

Off to the dentist for a cleaning

and rushing back to be home

when my friend Duane

was to work on our air conditioner.

I called him as I left the dentist,

and he was already on the way.

 I got home and cleared away the access

to the malfunctioning air conditioner.

Then I wandered into the front yard

to wait for Duane to show up.

There in the early morning sun

was the hibiscus my daughter Erin gave us.

We planted two of them

a couple of years ago.

Jane E. you brought

hibiscus from New York.

You lovingly took a piece

of the same hibiscus

to grow in every place we lived in.

Erin has kept up that tradition

and gave Alex and me

some for our yards.

I remember lamenting to Erin

just weeks ago

how ours were not fairing that well

with all the summer heat

and weeks of dry weather.

So as I wandered

up the hill,

I noticed the pink blooms

on the hibiscus.

I saw how many there were.

Fifteen blooms.

How the bees were delighted

to find so much pollen to harvest.

I moved in to photograph the scene

to catch the bees at work.

I angled for another picture

and waited for a more precise shot.

Just as I took it, the bee lifted off.

 As I went to review the photos I took

to my amazement, there was the bee.

Covered in pollen hanging in the air!


Yes, Jane E. “To Where You Are”

seeing through the eyes of love,

always around if we can only still

our humanness long enough

to become aware of your

everlasting presence in our lives.

You brought a big smile

to my face yesterday.

And yes, I believe you flew me up

to where you are to see you smile

so you could see my smile in return.

Another verse from that song comes to mind:

“and isn’t faith believing

All power can’t be seen.”

And as I end this yes,

I believe in the unseen power of love,

I believe that tears can heal,

that memories can comfort,

and love lives on forever.

I believe

those who once touched your life in love

will live on in your heart forever.

The song ends with this:

“I know you’re there

a breath away’s

not far to where you are.”

All My Love Always, Keith


Sunday, April 26, 2020

Father's Day Comes Early

Father's Day Comes Early

I've been looking to reunite with an old read that I used daily
in the early times of my awakening.
One I've always cherished,
one that introduced me to a new way of being.
One that led me to anchor myself
in that new way of being
by reading one chapter every day
as a contemplative way to start my day.
A daily contemplation that stretched
into months and then into well over a year
of dedicated daily reflections.
Of dedicated attempts at trying to live its wisdom.
As I felt drawn to it once again last week,
I went hunting for it.
To no avail in the random book stashes,
I have all over the house.  I couldn't find it.
As Laura and I sat this morning
starting our day in Spiritual contemplation once again,
she mentioned one of her dear reads
she's gone back to recently.
Living With Joy but Sanaya Roman.
How she used it to set her meditation intention
on being love yesterday.

I mentioned how I had looked
for one of my favorites the other day.
She asked what it was. I responded:
"Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life by Wayne Dyer."
His interpretation of the
nearly 3,000 year old Spiritual verses
called The Tao Te Ching.
Wink, our dog, had already settled in on my lap
for her early morning nap.
So Laura said, "let me look."
She found it almost immediately and handed it to me.
I noticed a rather fat bookmark.
It was a card, a Father's Day card from my son.
It was a gift from beyond this day.
A connection from the son who left
this realm on January 15th, 2020.
A reminder of what we meant to each other,
how this book I bought over nine years ago
had moved me in a new direction.
A reminder of how Spirit weaves messages
into your life all the time.
I looked at the pages where the card sat as a bookmark.
A passage I had marked read:
"Without fail, she reveals her presence,
without fail, she reveals our own perfection."
Then as I opened and read the birthday card,
my skin became awash with goosebumps.
The card read: Because you mean so much.
I hope you know, especially today,
how wonderful you are
and how very much you're loved.
Happy Father's Day. Then Jason wrote: "Dad - Wishing you a great one!
Looking forward to celebrating your B-Day & meeting, Laura. Love, - Jason."
So it was evident that it had to be for Father's Day June 21st of 2012.

I was still contemplating the wisdom of the Tao daily back then,
as I had been for over a year.
I flipped back a couple of pages to find the verse.
The Sixth verse of the Tao Te Ching begins with
"The Spirit that never dies..."
and ends with
"Although it is invisible, it endures; it will never end."
Jason's presence, his Spirit speaks to me with these words today,
and for that, I am ever so grateful.
He speaks to me, letting me know once again
that love never dies, just like his mother has.
His mother led me into my Spiritual awakening,
started me on this journey.
A truth sign I've become acquainted with
again washes over my body,
my skin is awash with truth shivers.
May you recognize Spirit when it comes calling,
may you realize how Loved you are.
May you learn how Spirit uniquely nudges you
to a deeper understanding.

Oh my, as I mentioned this to my wife,
those opening and closing lines.
I was sitting there overwhelmed
with the messages within all this.
My eyes filled with tears,
my body shaking with the magnitude of this love,
this connection with Jason, my son.
Movement catches my eye, out the window
just to the left of my dear wife.
A Robin lands on a wire.
The Robin is a sign Jason has been sending me
since he entered hospice last December.
I can't even write these words
without being covered in truth shivers,
God bumps whatever name you like to call them, everywhere.
It is as if he put a cherry on top of the dessert,
a chocolate fudge sundae of signs, that he sent this morning.
The card was the ice cream,
the marked passage the chocolate fudge,
the opening and closing lines of the sixth verse the whipped cream.
The deepening recognition that came
as I shared all of these events with my wife.
Indeed the Robin that landed on the wire as I spoke to her.
That was the cherry on top
of this profound awareness of his presence today.

My how confoundingly unique our experience as a human is.
I would have never dreamed of experiencing
a death in the way I have these past few months.
To even read an account like this would have been unlikely.
To live the experiences of it
would have been considered impossible.
To experience this myself pure folly.
How one's life can change.
Jane's transition led me
to delve into my Spirituality in depth.
My son Jason leads me to explore
even deeper those early contacts
that encouraged me "to share."
Another read from those tentative explorations
as I walked through his mother's grief
nearly ten years ago left me with this mantra.
Keep an open mind,
watch for signs,
for there are no coincidences.
That is my hope, my wish, my prayer for all of you too.

All My Love Always, Keith

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Jason's Robin

Jason’s Robin

This morning I saw a FB post
about the robin as a sign
for a lost loved one for someone else.
She mentioned how grateful she was.
It has led me to share my recent experiences.
I Googled the Spiritual significance
of robin's and found this:
In short, the spiritual meaning
of a robin includes transformation, growth,
renewal, passion, change, and power.
The robin is all about perseverance
and trying to "keep on keeping on."
The robin can teach you
how to focus and trust yourself better.
Robins have a passion,
and this can be a sign spiritually.

My response to the FB post was this:
I love this;
my oldest son transitioned
on January 15th this year
after a nearly two year
battle with brain cancer.
I saw robins
even before his transition.
He was in hospice care
those final few weeks
he was with us.
I knew it was a sign from him
as he danced between realms
in his last days in this one.
He knew very well
the great love I have for birds.
How I lovingly I tend
to their feeders all year long.
He knew I had asked him
about his favorite bird
during the last visit
I had with him.
Is it any wonder
robins are symbols
of change and transformation?
Not to me now.

Now, I consider it a sign
from my son of his transformation
and the change
in the way he communicates with me.
I've lost count of how many times
I've thought of him
only to look up just seconds
or minutes later
and see a robin
looking back at me
from our porch railing.
Head cocked and eyeing me
as if to say,
"Yeah, it's me!"

He loved to photobomb people
as they took pictures.
Now he's found a new way
to photobomb my awareness
of his continuing presence in my life.
Now when I see him,
I say there's Jason's Robin!
Yes, the perseverance
to keep on keeping on
reminding me of his presence
in my life.
For that, I am grateful too!

All My Love Always, Keith

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Philip John

Philip John

April 2nd, 1987

Today I honor the son
I never got to know.
Philip John Noyes,
his birthdate and angel date,
is the same April 2, 1987.
Philip was stillborn;
he would have been
33 years old today.

we lovingly anticipated
your birth.
We were excitedly
telling your two siblings
about your pending arrival.
We made plans for you
and prepared a room for you.
We dreamed of how our lives
would change with you in it.
Given a name you were.
But you only blessed us
with the nine months
you were in the womb.

Oh, how we grieved
losing you so soon.
Oh, how we wished
we could have held you
and played with you,
how we wanted to see
who you would become.
We only got to keep you
in our arms
just once;
to say goodbye,
to wonder why.

Jane, your mom,
left to be with you
nearly ten years ago,
having never resolved 
the enormous grief
of losing you.
It took
my grieving your mom
to finally come
to a closure
of losing you.

My views
about life, love, and death
are dramatically different now.
Your mother's transition
brought me to a 
that STE
radically altered
my concept of reality.
A shift in perception
that led me on a journey
into my spiritual nature
that is still going on today.
That is ever-evolving
into a deeper understanding
of my spiritualness.

It eventually led me
to heal from your
sudden and
unexpected transition
from this thing
we humans call life.

Lost to me, you no longer are,
you exist in another realm;
one of unconditional love and light.
My continuing spiritual journey
and the medium Suzanne Giesemann
helped bring me
to that understanding
when she brought both you
and your mom through
in a reading.

Yes, Philip,
I still and will forever
miss sharing your physical presence.
I will forever miss
seeing you and experiencing you
growing into a young man.

But I know
your energetic presence
is forever with me.
I know my
loving thoughts and words
are received by you.
In the world of Love and Light,
where you and your mom are
all is energy, all is known.

And for that,
I am grateful
for the journey I have been on.
I am thankful you led me
to ask the question of why?
And I am pleased
that I finally took up the challenge
to dig into the why of it.

I love you,
always will,