Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Surrounded By Angels

Surrounded By Angels

So many of us suffer in silence,
the loss of a loved one
who's birthday was on this day
reminds me of this.
Those moments when a grief
you thought was finally accepted
rears its head once again
and consumes your emotions once more.
Take just a minute to remember
you are never alone in these feelings.
You are never alone,
you are surrounded by Angels.

I share a song that expresses this with you.
As I walked through grief nine years ago
I referred to my friends as Angels with skin on.
No matter where we are in our Spiritual journey
we are surrounded by Love
and those that Love us or Loved us on this plane.
Those that have transitioned
continue to Love us from another realm,
their Love lives on in our hearts and memories.
And for that,
I am grateful
to have known and Loved them.

All My Love Always, Keith

Monday, October 28, 2019

You Are Love

You Are Love
You are what breathes you.
You are Love.

You are not your physicality.
You are Love.

You are not your thoughts.
You are Love.

Do not your prayers and sending love to others
show you you are boundless?

You Are Love.
You Are Boundless Love.

All My Love Always, Keith