Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Laundry

The Laundry

As I was going through
folding the laundry today,
I find today's gift
my Granddaughter's t-shirt.
"Believe in Magic."
Why can't we wear these as adults?
 Why do we shed some beliefs from childhood?

Why can't we continue to live
in the wonder and the openness
to believe that anything is possible?
Believe in the magic of life
and live from that place?

To live with
that expansive openness
of the child,
to always be open, ready
to be wowed yet again
at what the Universe
unfolds for you.

That's what her t-shirt
taught me today
stay ever open
to the magic
unfolding in your life.

All My Love Always, Keith

There is no end to how much love you can be,
how much love you can generate,
how much love you can share.