Monday, March 30, 2015



A gray day, heavy clouds
but there is some brightness there.
The dogs stop to sniff
and again to the heavens do I look.
The full moon bursts forth
sliding out of the clouds
with a lone star by its side.
A ring of amber glow surrounds it so,
into my mind this vision sinks.

Of God and a Guardian Angel
named Jane do I think.
For I'm trying to cultivate
living by my spiritual essence,
guided by it throughout my day.

So briefly do they both appear,
slipping away into the heavy clouds
that grace the sky this day.
But as I look for them again and again
visually they are not there.
Ahh . . . but in my mind’s eye I still see
for they are ever present to me.
That's the feeling of spiritual guidance I seek.
The knowing that it is ever present,
the ability to call on it and see its message.

For it's not like someone
knocking on your door.
Perceptive you have to be
to the subtle answers
it's willingly giving thee.

May you notice
the spiritual guidance
you receive this day.
For it's ever present
in your life too.
There are no coincidences
stay aware, watch for signs
for spirit talks to you 
anywhere and everywhere.

All my love always, Keith

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Breeze


There's a warm moist breeze
blowing in my face today.
For it has rained overnight.
Warm and moist it may be
but at times
it still puts a chill in me.

Savor the feeling I do.
So much so,
I close my eyes,
as I walk along
to heighten the feelings.
The breeze caresses my cheeks,
the soft lilting whistle of it in my ears.
It fills my soul this day
this feeling of nature,
as it sweeps me away,
such a gift it is today.

May you find
your own breeze today
and just let it sweep you away.
Be thankful I say.
For we were meant
to life this way.
So rich with life
let the feeling
of life and living it
just sweep you away.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Another Post


I've got four more of these,
backlogged in my drafts file they are.
Don't want to bury you with my musings
but today's a different day.
A number of you
have continued to implore me to write more
and so that is why I post this day.
For last night, I did start a book.
A dear friend removed my block. 
By asking but a simple question,
in an e-mail over the weekend,
"How did you and Jane meet?" she asked.

For I'd pondered where to start
aimless I was for a few weeks.
But that one question released it all
for now I knew where to start
and so I did.
Couldn't sleep
Came down to write I did. 
So it's 2 hours of writing I did do.
Someday to share it with you.

For I know not how long it will take.
Nor how it will be received.
Nor to where it will actually lead.
Maybe it's just a legacy for my grandkids
and their kids that I leave behind. 

Those of you who offered help. 
I'll be in touch.
For I'm not real secure in this venture
and will need encouragement
again I'm sure.

I'm reminded of the most famous verse
of the Tao Te Ching:
A journey of 1,000 miles
begins with but one step.

So as I leave you today
take the risk, begin something new
or try something different.
Stretch from the known to the unknown.
For I know not where I'm going
other than that
I've taken the very
first step.

You are not a drop in the ocean.

You are the entire ocean in a drop.

- Rumi -

All My Love Always, Keith

Monday, March 23, 2015

When was the last time?


Alex gets in the car going out to dinner we are.
He turns down the radio to low.
Wow, you were really jamming on the way home he says.
I say I had it loud and really enjoyed my drive home.
That's all I say for I've played it since the start of the day.
A customer pops in the shop,
he comments on the wonderful music
I play that day.

But when was the last time . . . .
music moved you to tears of joy?
For new music, I had downloaded the day before
Josh Groban's "Thankful" it was
that moves me to tears this day.
"Each of us must find our truth."
"It's up to us to be the change" he sings.
"There's so much to be thankful for."

How does music move us so?
For it matters not if we even know the words!
The next song I downloaded was "Ave Maria"
Sung in Italian by Josh it was.
I questioned why I downloaded this one
then the answer came, over all of me,
all at once.
By the middle of the song
my whole being was covered with goose bumps
or God bumps as a friend of mine has called them.
Tears of joy and sobs flowed freely as I listened to that song.
It mattered not that it was in a foreign tongue to my ears.
I need not question my download now
my physical reaction was proof enough.

For How does music move us so?
I listen to it now and go still
lost in the music that fills me so.
May you find that today
Something that moves you so.

"Some days we can't see the joy that surrounds us."
See the joy that surrounds you!

"There is a place we're all connected."
"Each of us can find each other’s light."
"So tonight we pray for what we know can be!"

So see the joy that surrounds you so
and pray for what you know can be
and realize there's so much to be thankful for
and have the most wonderful of days today!

May your light shine brightly this day
so that all you meet sense your inner glow
and know we're all one in the same
 in that way, you know.

All My Love Always, Keith

Friday, March 20, 2015



As I wander off today any lights seem to be
an interference with where I need to be.
So it’s off into the darkness I do wander.
Seeking where there’s not a light to see.
It sets the mood for contemplation.
Not really, I guess, for it was no-mind.
That’s what I was seeking, no thoughts at all,
just feeling and sight with no thoughts at all.

I feel the earth rise as I walk along,
over a mound did I stroll.
See it not did I.
But experience the rise and fall I did.
Looking down my feet I did not see
for it was pitch black, a darkness so stark.

But the rise and fall of the land I experienced
without the aid of sight.
And so I found in the darkness what I sought,
a no-mind state,
and experienced wandering in quite a different way.
May your day surprise you like that
when an ordinary experience
appears in an extraordinary way.

All My Love Always, Keith

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Of Snail Mails and Emails


Went to the mailbox yesterday
and there I found a letter to me.
Telling of an event that changed her life
in 1968 did she.
Sharing it with so few over the years
but now with me.
For she’s read my posts
and knows I know of events like these.

Reading an e-mail that same day
talking about life’s events was she.
How they’ve unfolded for her,
trying to find meaning in these.
And in these two I see a commonality.
For it’s the experience of life that molds us,
now our paths have crossed for a reason.
It has been a long, winding, journey for all of us.
But here today my relationship with both
has changed.
We talk about things rarely spoken to anyone in years
but the time has come
where it just fits the day.

I wandered along today
relishing my morning walk on yet another day,
feeling the oneness permeate myself and the day.
I’m reminded of what a friend told me just the other day:
“It’s like you live your whole day in meditation.”
On this day I agree,
for it’s not so bad,
when filled with the joy of life you are.
I just wish I could give you all a taste of what I felt today.
On that morning walk, that is but a meditation,
on the oneness that we all share and are.

All my love always, Keith

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Qi Gong

Qi Gong

An ancient Chinese practice.
Depending on the archeological source
it has been traced back 5 to 7,000 years.
To me, it’s a wonderful spiritual practice.

This morning as my wife and I entered our practice
I was stewing over a comment I had heard earlier.
I was letting my monkey mind run with it
and it was upsetting me.
Off in all different directions it went.
As I settled into the beginning exercises
I became aware of how my mind was racing off
here and there with this idle comment.
Then I remembered some lines from
The Untethered Soul by Micahel A. Singer.
Relax and Release, Open Your Heart.

This was so wonderful.
I felt myself moving into acceptance
and belief of this simple phrase,
amazed that I could open my recently chaotic heart and let God in.
I had God bumps washing all over me in wave after wave.
Letting me know that spirit was with me,
right here and right now.
The other thing I noticed was I didn’t have to allow God in at all.
I just opened my heart
and Christ's Presence within expressed itself as love. 

I continued on with a wonderful time of practice.
There is one movement called Harmony of the Universe
that always feels so very special and spiritual to me.
I form my hands as if holding a ball of energy near my knees.
As I raise it up, I feel it filling with infinite, unconditional love.
As I release my hands towards the skies, I think of loved ones
and send them this love.
I silently send love to family and friends
throughout this part of the movement.

As I bring my hands back over my head in a cupping motion
I feel as if I am seating some of this supply
of infinite unconditional love of the universe
in my being for the day.
I silently chant Gloria In Excelsis Deo,
Glory to God in the Highest,
as I rest my hands above my head.

I write this to remind you to enter your spiritual practice
especially on days when you feel not inclined too.
It sure changed my outlook for this day.

God blesses you and yours this day and every day.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Silent Sentinels


Trees: the pines, the pine oaks, all of them
standing there like silent sentinels
watching over God’s domain.
Stars over their heads
and mother earth below their feet,
everywhere I look this day,
I see God!

Above in the heavens so bright
with stars bursting out everywhere.
The three dogs sniffing at things,
I know not what.
Their sense of smell is so much more blessed than mine.
They tug at their leashes pulling me this way and that.

When Skeeter, my cat,
appears out of nowhere once again,
follows us for awhile she does.
She likes to drop by and say hi
then she’s on her way.

I don’t even know when she’s slipped away.
Off into the darkness from which she came.
But we are all wandering in God’s domain,
soaking it in at the start of another glorious day.

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.

All My Love Always, Keith

Monday, March 16, 2015



Friends are such precious gifts

just when you feel blue

they cheer you up.

When you question yourself

they lend support.

When your day starts rough

They give a cheerful hello.

As this day began, I knew not how I really felt,

one of those tweener days, it could go either way.

For with a sinus headache, I began my day

then Betty shoots me an e-mail.

Envious she is of me

such obvious peace with the world

she says of me.

When her world is so rush, rush, rush.

Such faith in God as you write your inspirational piece each day.

It's as if the world stops for me she says.

So I write of Betty this day.

She lifted me up with her kind words.

So it is she who wrote this with me today.

For such good friends make you feel that way.

Often without even knowing they touched you that way.

So I ask you to do as Betty said in her closing today,

just take some time and STOP to appreciate the day.

Quite a life lesson she says.

Yes, quite a lesson for me today as well.

For a dear friend took the time to inspire me

to write yet again for all my friends.

So do take the time to STOP and appreciate this day.

For it's the only one you have that's called today.

Live in the moment and make it shine.

Make it your sole intention to have a good one you see.

For, after all, life is what you choose to make of it.

So let yourself shine for all others to see,

how intention and attitude make for a great day.

For Betty has raised my intention and attitude for this day

and for that I am so grateful to call her my friend today.

An Ancient Sanskrit Blessing 

"I honor the place in you where Spirit lives
I honor the place in you which is
of Love, of Truth, of Light, of Peace
when you are in that place in you,
and I am in that place in me,
then we are One."

All My Love Always, Keith

Friday, March 13, 2015

With Every Breath

With Every Breath

Breathing something we take for granted.
Usually an automatic bodily response
to the need for oxygen that we just do, always.
Science explains we need oxygen to remain alive.
How many breaths do we take each day?
How many do we actually control
in any manner?
We just take breathing for granted.
It’s something we always do.

Yes it’s a natural process we all do,
from the day we are born until the day we die.
But have you ever considered it a gift?
A gift from God,
with every breath God blesses you
with life for yet another moment.
How loved are you to be blessed
with every breath!
I Googled how many breaths
the normal adult takes every minute.
The answer was 12-20.

So the next time
you feel stressed,
anxious, or depressed.
Remember this.
You are so very blessed by
God’s unconditional love
that God is blessing you
twelve to twenty times
each and every minute!
Think about that
and put a loving smile
on your face,
thank God,
and go about your day.

Every time you remember this
share the unconditional love
you receive with very breath
as a smile or act of kindness
with any and all you meet.
I’m sure feeling unconditionally loved
12-20 times each minute
will change your perception
as you go about your day.

All my love always, Keith

Thursday, March 12, 2015



It’s so clear and crisp this morn.
The sky, the stars, so bright and close they seem.
A deep breath fills my lungs,
the crisp, cool air makes them come alive.
Ah the sensation
of another start
to a brand new day,
full of wonders yet to be.

For as I look to the sky
I stop and exclaim aloud . . . WOW!
A shooting star has graced my eyes.
Sliding into view out of nowhere.
So intense and bright yet so fleeting,
as it streaks so quickly through the sky.
For now it has already faded away,
back into the black abyss,
that gave it birth this day.
Only to become a fond memory
of how I started this day.
May you have a moment
like that today.
One that just makes you stop
and say aloud . . .  WOW !

All my love always, Keith

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My Old Bike


Off to golf on Tuesday afternoons,
this beautiful afternoon I so enjoyed,
and as it ended
I thought "I don't want this to end."
When I got home
dust off my old bike did I
and ride another 36 minutes
on that beautiful afternoon.

It had been many moons
since I felt:
the wind brushing by my face,
the air flowing through my hair,
the rushing roar past my ears.

How I remembered being a kid
when off on my bike did I go.
For it set me free you know.

And what a pleasure this day
turned out to be
just riding away
my bike and me.

So do you remember
something you did
from your childhood?
Now go out and
just be like a kid again.
Enjoy your day 
with the reckless abandonment
of your childhood play.

All my love always, Keith

Tuesday, March 10, 2015



Lots of stars, I wonder how many there are?
They say over four hundred billion galaxies.
A number I cannot even remotely fathom.
But if we could see them all,
all the stars and all the galaxies,
the night sky would be a twinkling blanket
of bright white light.
But alas that is not to be,
for then it would not even be night.
We can see but a few: some here, some there,
even more over there.

That’s the way it’s supposed to be.
We are here to experience life
in all its subtleties and nuances,
in all its richness and all its beauty
and to be ever amazed
at how it changes from day to day.

From Conversations with God
by Neale Donald Walsch

“Now the supreme irony here
is that you have placed
so much importance
on the Word of God,
and so little on the experience.
In fact, you place so little value on experience
that when what you experience of God differs
from what you’ve heard of God,
you automatically discard the experience
and own the words,
when it should be
just the other way around.”

May you experience
much of God
and discard little.

You are not a drop in the ocean.

You are the entire ocean in a drop.

- Rumi -

All My Love Always, Keith

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Not Much To Say

Not Much To Say

I received an e-mail the other day,
expecting a motivational message
they were that day,
I had one ready but hadn’t hit send.
For I was getting it ready for that end,
and here I sit today with not much to say,
wondering if this will even get sent this day.

Conversations with God is my latest read
as I started I did stop
and proclaimed aloud what I thought
for this book is very good indeed.

For now I feel like a sponge.
So many books I have begun.
Soaking up so much information
is not the issue for me.
It’s the random nature of my quest.

I am reading multiple books at once
and how can that be good for me?.
By multiple I mean 6 or 7 for I’ve lost count.
So much to delve into and so little time.

That’s the issue
I’ve lost track of the premise
from the Power Of Now.
How all you can do
is live in this very moment.
You're just wasting your time
if in the past or the future you find yourself.
You must make the most
of this very moment you are in.
And so I guess a message I have left.

For I want you to live in this very moment.
I want you to live life full out.
With the reckless abandon
of a child bursting with endless possibilities.
Dream your dreams
and make them so vivid
they manifest into your reality.
For writing is like that for me,
there are just endless possibilities.
I’ve wandered through these lines today
 and finally found I’ve delivered a message this day.
And so the journey continues,
and what a joyous journey it has become,

You are not a drop in the ocean.

You are the entire ocean in a drop.

- Rumi -

All My Love Always, Keith