Monday, March 16, 2015



Friends are such precious gifts

just when you feel blue

they cheer you up.

When you question yourself

they lend support.

When your day starts rough

They give a cheerful hello.

As this day began, I knew not how I really felt,

one of those tweener days, it could go either way.

For with a sinus headache, I began my day

then Betty shoots me an e-mail.

Envious she is of me

such obvious peace with the world

she says of me.

When her world is so rush, rush, rush.

Such faith in God as you write your inspirational piece each day.

It's as if the world stops for me she says.

So I write of Betty this day.

She lifted me up with her kind words.

So it is she who wrote this with me today.

For such good friends make you feel that way.

Often without even knowing they touched you that way.

So I ask you to do as Betty said in her closing today,

just take some time and STOP to appreciate the day.

Quite a life lesson she says.

Yes, quite a lesson for me today as well.

For a dear friend took the time to inspire me

to write yet again for all my friends.

So do take the time to STOP and appreciate this day.

For it's the only one you have that's called today.

Live in the moment and make it shine.

Make it your sole intention to have a good one you see.

For, after all, life is what you choose to make of it.

So let yourself shine for all others to see,

how intention and attitude make for a great day.

For Betty has raised my intention and attitude for this day

and for that I am so grateful to call her my friend today.

An Ancient Sanskrit Blessing 

"I honor the place in you where Spirit lives
I honor the place in you which is
of Love, of Truth, of Light, of Peace
when you are in that place in you,
and I am in that place in me,
then we are One."

All My Love Always, Keith

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