Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Breathe as a gain,
an expansion of the heart and mind
through the Loving breath of the One that breathes us
to expand into a greater expression of ourselves
and thus the One.

All  My  Love  Always,  Keith

Sunday, May 28, 2017

We Already Are

 You'll never know what lies below
unless you go there.
You'll never know what lies within
unless you explore there.
So take a journey into your Soul
and find out who you really are.

All  My  Love  Always,  Keith

Friday, May 26, 2017



Sitting on the beach in tune with Gaia,
the waves pulse becomes known,
some soft and subtle.
The sound of them slowly rising
like a frothing static
only to recede
and be followed by another.

There is a surrealness
to their rhythm and pace
ever changing
yet seeming so familiar in nature.

Some crash with a power
that is unexpected
yet expected.
Others lull you into a trance
with their beauty and grace.

Mesmerized by the endless nature of them,
experiencing the pulse of the planet,
getting lost in their ever present nature
drifting in and out with them
in an everlasting dance
with your senses.

the primordial pulse
of your being.   

All My Love Always, Keith

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Always Held

Always Held

We forget that we are always cared for,
always held in this Divine Presence
that breathes us.
We get lost in the hustle and bustle
of our humanness
and fail to remember we are Spiritual Beings
having a human experience.

In those times of quiet reflection,
if we ponder past events
we witness a plan unfolding
this awakening to a power
far beyond our control
that has moved into our lives
people, places, and events that changed us.

Made us grow
in ways we sometimes thought
were impossible
or improbable
only to see the wisdom of it
after the fact.

If we take the time to reflect
on our life's path,
we begin to realize
there is much more going on
than we first suspect.

If we get lost in our daily lives,
in the rush of doing,
the frantic day to day existence
it is easy to lose sight of the power
that breathes us. 

If we can quiet ourselves
and reflect on all the pieces
that needed to fall in place
for us to get where we are.
We realize that even with this thing
we call free choice
many other things had to align
for us to be where we are in life.

In the stillness of this reflection,
we come to know this Divine Presence
that breathes us,
has also been guiding us,
nurturing us,
and loving us all along the way.
Always held,
always guided,
always Loved Beyond Measure.

All My Love Always, Keith

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


To  Grow  In  Love,
To  Share  In  Love,
To  Be  Love,
And  To  See  Where  It  Takes  Me.

All   My   Love   Always,   Keith

Sunday, May 21, 2017

A Spring Day

A Spring Day

The sun creeps ever higher in the sky;
a gentle breeze wafts through the air.
The birds sing their melodies
with too many voices to distinguish.

My little dog slumbers on the sunlit deck.
The birds flit to and fro from the bird feeders.
A cardinal hangs on the chain holding a feeder
as if defying gravity.

I sit and observe
with a contentment of
just being the witness
to the beauty
of a spring day.  

All My Love Always, Keith

Saturday, May 20, 2017

With Love

Breathe as a gain,
an expansion of the heart and mind
through the Loving breath of the One that breathes us
to expand into a greater expression of ourselves
and thus the One.

All  My  Love  Always,  Keith

Friday, May 19, 2017

Your Inner Light

To  Grow  In  Love,
To  Share  In  Love,
To  Be  Love,
And  To  See  Where  It  Takes  Me.

All   My   Love   Always,   Keith

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Guiding And Nurturing You

Guiding and Nurturing You

In my Spiritual journey, I elected to have
an evidential mediumship reading with Suzanne Giesemann.
I remember thinking it was a bit nuts
to wait so long for the reading.
She's magnificent and has a long waiting list.
Finally, it came in December of 2015,
and it was perfect timing.
I had made plans to dive into my Spiritual life
exploring mediumship myself in a deeper way
by studying at Arthur Findlay College in England and the U.S. 

I wanted to clean out any old emotional baggage I had
before I left in February for AFC.
A comment that was brushed off
in my December reading with Suzanne
took on a whole new significance
when shortly after that, during a Reiki healing,
the same issue came up.
When I went back and reviewed them,
I was stunned by a connection to another session I had.
The magnitude of all three
from three different unconnected people
swept me up into emotions and realizations about my past.

I had just become aware of how distinct childhood memories
can be so thoroughly buried in your psyche
that they never see the light of day
and in that darkness, healing cannot take place.
It's a child's natural defense
to bury a painful or hurtful memory,
or it was in my case anyway.
These memories I speak of were just that.

Any of you who know me,
have heard one of my Spiritual mantras is:
Keep an Open Mind,
Watch for Signs,
for There Are No Coincidences.
I guess that's what this is all about.
Keep exploring your Spirituality.
These subtle nudges to explore something
or get a healing session
whatever you feel led to pursue.
Being guided and nurtured to grow spiritually
is something I firmly believe is ongoing in our lives.

So as I read through my old notes the other day
I knew it was no coincidence
that I was moved to be open and explore them.
How we must face our fears,
emotional pains, or sorrows to rise above them.
Bring them into the transformational light of higher awareness,
thereby diminishing their emotional hold on you.

So it is no coincidence that I share
part of my personal journey with you today.
For in sharing I help myself heal and others too.
What drove this piece
was a friend responding to yesterday's post with
"Thank you, I needed to hear this."
One of my earliest nudges in my Spiritual Awakening was
"To Share."
Listen to the subtle voice,
the intuitive nudges you receive,
they are guiding you,
always guiding you and nurturing you.    

All My Love Always, Keith

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Even In Darkness

Even In Darkness

Even in darkness, there is growth.
Does not the seed germinate
in the dark, moist soil?
Are not some of the most profound lessons
you learned, learned the hard way?

Cannot the darkness in your life
be your teacher?
Those times of trouble
or loss in your life
where all seems hopeless,
but it's not.

Where when you look back at those times
they were periods of major growth
in how you view your very existence?
How you became aware
of the lessons learned?
How a gift was received
by the sheer experience of it,
therein lies the real meaning learning.

Experiential lessons in your life
that give it a deeper meaning,
a more profound knowing
for having had the experience of it.
How vastly increased
is the empathy you can feel for others
by having a shared experience.

These soul experiences
that rock you to the core of your being.
The dark night of the Soul
can birth a new you.
For even in the darkness,
there is growth.  

To awaken to my Spirituality
and to share it.

All My Love Always, Keith

Monday, May 15, 2017



Sitting here wondering
whether even to write this,
this inner journey I've been on,
looking at some old notes
from January of 2015.

Repressed was the word
that reached out
and grabbed me.
How as a youth I was taught
to hold the real me at bay,
physically taught that at one point,
emotionally taught it at another.
Many others actually.

My quandary is how to make this upbeat.
Uncovering old wounds
brings them to the light
of a new understanding,
birthing a new you.

As if I were a Spiritual seed
lost in the darkness surrounding me
only to break through the surface
into the light of the Love 
that I always knew was there. 

Once exposed
I bloom with Love,
understanding, and acceptance
of what was, and what is.
And that my journey
into the Light
of the Love that I Am,
and we all are
continues ever onward.  

Awakening to my Spirituality
and sharing it.

All My Love Always, Keith

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Love

My Friend Sandy posted this on her You Are Love Now blog today 

Here's the link it's worth exploring her writings.


Mother’s Love


You have a day
to celebrate
the Love of “mom” 
and all that means –
how well you know
you cannot fit
all of the aspects
of Mother’s Love
into one day.

Does not the
of mother to child,
of child to mother,
stretch the limits
of what you think
Love is –
is it not often
your first experience
of unconditional Love?

And yes,
there are lessons
in this relationship,
as with all –
but is there not
a connecting bond
with who you call “mom” –
though life can test
the limits of Love
in this physical world,
is not this relationship
one that you learn
so much from?

And Mother’s Love
for a child
when as a baby
or when grown,
with you now
or waiting near,
together always
in your heart –
is there nothing
that can break
the connecting bond
that is always there –
even as life
bring changes to –
sometimes testing this
bond of Love
between mother and child?

Is not this
Bond of Love
at its core
unconditional Love –
even if you sometimes
do not believe it
with human eyes?

So yes, celebrate a day
that celebrates
a Mother’s Love,
a child’s love for
a mom –
in many roles,
in many ways –
but can you
contemplate a Love
that begins unconditionally –
and keep Love free
of any limits
or conditions
you place upon

Can you celebrate
a Mother’s Love
beyond a certain day,
a specific time –
have you not
all been touched
by a Mother’s Love?

Remember Love
that is born
so pure –
only Love.

That Is You.
That Is All.
That Is Love.

Saturday, May 13, 2017


An Ancient Sanskrit Blessing

"I honor the place in you where Spirit lives
I honor the place in you which is
of Love, of Truth, of Light, of Peace
when you are in that place in you,
and I am in that place in me,

then we are One."

All My Love Always, Keith

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Sacred Seven

The Sacred Seven

A dear friend and spiritual mentor Suzanne Giesemann
brought into my awareness the Sacred Seven:
Joy, Peace, Strength, Courage, Gratitude, Humility, and Love.
Is it not our desire to live in joy and peace?
Do we not seek to return to joy and peace
when confronted with something less than that?
Do we not seek peace even when joy is not present?
When confronted with a challenging situation
do we not call on strength to persevere?
Do we not summon the courage
to remain strong and steadfast
in our pursuit of a joyful, peaceful life?
And do not these times
when we must summon our strength or courage
both lead us
to the awareness of gratitude
for the many times
we had been loving, joyful, or peaceful?
And in this reflection
do we not feel humble
for all the good times we have experienced?
Sitting in this humility,
we realize how loved we are.
How we are the love, we seek.
And how even when we are off center so to speak
or a challenged by what life has unfolded for us
do we not realize these are all but avenues
back to the love that birthed us!
How will you choose
to experience the love that you are today?
How will you choose to employ the Sacred Seven
to be the love that you are?  

All My Love Always, Keith