Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Connections – The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Connections – The Gift
That Keeps On Giving

I'm content
with the connections
I have with Spirit
in other ways
I told someone recently.
A few Sunday's ago I went shopping
and couldn't find all I wanted at WalMart.
Later that afternoon I felt compelled
to finish the grocery shopping.
My wife, Laura, said she needed fresh ginger
for the superfood soup
she wanted to make us for supper.

So I followed my intuition
and went all the way out to Publix
past Earth Fare
where I could have gotten all of it.
I felt Publix was the place.
I headed for the produce section,
I knew I could be in and out quickly,
I only needed 3 items.
As I started scanning
the produce section,
my heart leaps alive with joy
and a profound sense of love.
There stands a lady
with strawberry blond hair,
same build, similar height,
and with this beautiful sweater on
that would be just like what Jane E.
(the wife I lost suddenly years ago)
would wear.

I looked at her
I never saw her face.
Just felt a feeling of love swell in me
as truth shivers
washed over my whole body.
I mentally thanked Jane E.
for reminding me
she's always with me
wherever I am.
I got the fresh ginger
and turned to leave
the produce section.
As I did this gal rose up.
As though Jane E. was saying
take another look and feel
the same emotions again!
Like she totally understands
my incessant skepticism,
even after all the spiritual nudges
that I have experienced
these last 8+ years.
I only saw her from the back,
but I was again overcome
by the very same
intense rush of feelings.
It is a gift these moments,
these spiritual synchronicities,
we experience now and then.

The feelings washed over me
two or three more times
as I continued shopping
and my mind kept going back
to analyze "what just happened?"
The same feelings came back
when I shared it with Laura
a few days later.
And as I sat here writing this.

So truth shiver is an apt name
for the experience.
It also reinforces
the knowledge in me
that Spirit has
an infinite number of ways
to get our “attention.”
Whether we are awake
at the moment enough
to notice it or not
is on us.

I’m glad I wasn’t blinded
with self-absorption
about getting in and out
of the grocery store so fast.
If I were, I would have missed
this wondrous connection.

I share this most recent occurrence
of the gifts that Spirit
keeps on giving with you.
Know you are loved
whether the ones you love
are on this plane or not,
love never dies.

Spirit is sending us
messages all the time.
May you always be awake,
aware, and grateful
when these messages arrive.

All My Love Always, Keith

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Full Moon Symbolism

Full Moon Symbolism

Have you ever contemplated
the significance of the full moon?
May the full moon show you
how you always return to wholeness;
the wholeness of you,
the spiritual nature of you.

The realization that
you are a spiritual being
having a human experience.
That at your core,
in your heart of hearts,
you are pure love,
plain and simple.
Even on the days,
you don’t feel it,
those new moon days.

At least for me sometimes 
I feel so very connected
so in touch with my true nature of love,
it’s like the full moon phase.
Then other times
I’m in differing aspects of it.
Waxing and waning
into and out of my true nature.

I wake up realizing
I need to capture these words
that come flooding to me
in the middle of the night,
like bright moonbeams
during a full moon
on a clear, crisp night.

What phase are you in?
Is it like me?
Do you seem to drift
in and out of step
with your true nature,
the love that you are?
The love you have always been?

There are those times
when I doubt and question myself.
As if my spiritual life is waning.
And there are those times
when I see connections
and feel them building,
waxing, into the full moon glory
of the unconditional love
that lives at the core of me.
When it blossoms
into its complete fullness
and feels so self-evident and true.

May the cycles of the moon
remind you of the boundless love
that lives in your soul.
May you realize that even
when you feel less than
or not enough
these are the human experiences
you came here to grow through.
The adventures of life
that as you work through them
enhance and expand
your true nature of love.

Your true nature
is to shine
in the fullness of the love
that you are.
Shine that love,
be that love,
and express that love,
that you innately are
and forever will be.

All My Love Always, Keith

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Journey of Remembrance

Journey of Remembrance

If I look back with eyes of awareness,
my spiritual journey has been a life long pursuit.
Lost in my humanness and the vagaries
of raising a family for decades.
I admit I was unaware of this
for a large part of my life.

A significant shift occurred in 2010.
The intensity of exploring my spirituality took off.
I started devouring books on it
and came to find
spiritual mentors and practices along the way.

My spiritual practice
has evolved and morphed over the years,
meditation and spiritual readings
have become an ingrained daily action.
I often begin and end my day that way.

Last night I picked up a favorite read
Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Roman.
A single chapter is easy to read before bed.
I enjoy ending my days
with a focus on my spiritual nature.

That lead me to read chapter 11
Accelerating Your Growth.
On page 109 I read
“for the more you desire it,
the more you bring
a spiritual intention
to everything you do…”

As words and sentences began flooding into my mind,
I knew I was being called
to write about these contemplations.
Bring a spiritual awareness
to everything you witness
unfolding in your life.
I am love, I am peace, I am serenity,
I am aware I have a choice.

As I wrote this,
I was reminded of another teaching
Suzanne Giesemann’s meditation CD
Journey of Remembrance.
I picked up my iPod and listened to it yet again.

The meditation leads you through
the Sacred Seven which are
Joy, Peace, Strength, Courage,
Gratitude, Humility, and Love.

Contemplating the Journey of Remembrance meditation,
A spiritual awareness of it opens.
A realization that everything you witness
unfolding in your life
is guided by spirit.

I am Joyous, I am Peaceful,
I am Strong, I am Courageous,
I am Grateful, I am Humble,
I am Loving.

These are not qualities
that exist “out there.”
They are found innately within me, always.
I am a spiritual being
having a human experience.

A feeling of serenity
arrives with the awareness
that I still have a choice
to live from any
or all
or none
of these qualities.

In any moment
I can choose
Joy, Peace,
Strength, Courage,
Gratitude, Humility,
or Love.

When I see through
the eyes of my Soul,
my Higher Self
I live from these
because I innately am these.

All My Love Always, Keith