Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Universe Speaks

You'll never know what lies below
unless you go there.
You'll never know what lies within
unless you explore there.
So take a journey
into your Soul
and find out
who you really are.

All  My  Love  Always,  Keith

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Trees Speak

Trees Speak

We were headed into the woods
for a hike this afternoon.
We had had
a heavy rain in the morning.
It was still overcast and windy.

The trees all looked different,
dark wet trunks,
glistening wet leaves
of a lively green color
even in the dusky light let
in by the heavy cloud cover.

The moss so green
with its sheen on,
the trail was shiny and moist
just so different
from a typical
dusty summer’s day.

Laura had her ear buds in
and lagged a bit behind me
lost in the music
and the scene.
I was lost
in the whisper
of the wind.

Not even noticing it
until the wind made
the tree's leaves talk.
Trees speak,
sometimes it was loud
and so raucous
you could even feel it
down on the trail.

Other times
it faded away
from my awareness
completely drifting off
into the canopy
of the trees
that were thirty feet
above us.

Rising ever so subtly
into a whisper
and then a commotion.
Like a gaggle of friends
having a grand old time.

The trees were enticing
both of us
into their realm.
A new appreciation arose
for the beauty of Mother Nature
in all her damp clothing.

Drawn into
the peace of the forest,
the mood of the woods,
the stillness of the path,
and the restlessness
of the wind,
we were.

Magically transported
to an aspect of it,
we had rarely seen
or noticed.

 Experienced it
this day we did. 
Like the glistening facet
of a diamond.

Thankful for our time
with Mother Nature
and for how she led us
into a new understanding
of just how beautiful she is.

Listen for the whisper
the trees speak,
are you

All My Love Always, Keith

Friday, July 28, 2017

Point Of Attraction

Point Of Attraction

Where is your focus,
your point of attraction?
This awareness theme
keeps coming at me
from so many different directions;
it has me considering
how we focus our energy and thoughts.

What matters?
Is it more important for me
to just react to outside influences or news
and get all worked up about them?

Or is it in my best interest
to focus on what I want out of life.
Choose the direction I cast my focus on,
instead of blindly reacting
to the plethora of negative news or situations
that bombard us every day.

followed by choice
and an alignment
with my higher self
choosing to look
for the positives
and the bright spots.

Focusing on what I can do
to make my life more fulfilling,
more abundant,
more peaceful,
and more loving.

If we just pause
when we feel harried
and ask:
Do I want this?
Do I want to react to this
in this way?

Can't I find
something worthwhile
in any situation?
Rise up and view it
from a higher perspective,
or a longer one,
or one that sees
a growth opportunity
in what faces me.

So we are back where we started
where do we put our focus,
on the negative or the positive?
There are many opportunities
to choose either way
in every day.

What is
my point of attraction
this day?

My wish for you
is to make those choices
in the highest and best interest
of your continued growth,
may you grow in Love,
share Love,
and be Love.

All My Love Always, Keith

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Breathe as a gain,
an expansion of the heart and mind
through the Loving breath of the One that breathes us
to expand into a greater expression of ourselves
and thus the One.

All  My  Love  Always,  Keith

Friday, July 21, 2017

Learning To Say Goodbye

Learning To Say Goodbye

I have been using
this meditative Holistic breathing technique
the past few weeks.
Its purpose is to help you release
old memories and feelings
that aren't supporting your highest good.

I've noticed changes
during the meditation and afterward.
Suddenly having the urge
to tell some childhood stories
to my loving wife
about stuff she never knew.

As I meditated on that notion tonight,
the realization came that I had chosen
to block chunks of memory
from childhood and adulthood.
I believe some of the blocks
were from unresolved grief.
Many memories surrounding
the burying of my son.

A common thread has run through my life.
It started with the very first loss, my dog.
I never got to say goodbye
at the end while she was still alive.
Then over the years
my dad, my son, my mom, and my first wife,
all the significant losses in my life
all without an opportunity to say a final goodbye.

The introduction for this meditation
prepares you
to feel the release of old issues,
then to open more
Spiritually, creatively, etc.
As you listen and participate
time after time,
it builds on these points.

Near the end
of the sixth listen tonight
I felt a closeness
and started to write by writing:
"Learning to say goodbye."

Then I mentally asked
if my first wife was there
she said I am
and we shared loving a phrase
we had always used.

I asked if my son was there
and he said yes, told me he loved me.
We shared a tender loving moment
on the eve of my birthday.
 I went on to write this,
for the three of us.

Learning to say goodbye,
without saying goodbye.

Learning to live life
as the goodbye.
So it will be
so very well known
when it is time
for the real goodbye.

Expressing love,
being love,
so you don't even
have to use
the word, Love.
For it is known
without even being said. 

Learning to say goodbye.
Without saying goodbye.

Is that my mission
this incarnation
to explore my emotional reaction
to these seemingly silent losses?

To understand we are Spiritual beings
having a human experience.
Each birth
another great adventure unleashed
and each human death
a joyous reunion
of going back home
from whence we came
yet again.

If it is, this meditation
is moving me
in the right direction
of that, I am so very sure.

There are gifts hidden in this meditation.
There are gifts hidden
in things you thought you had dealt with
but hadn't.
There were gifts given
and received in his visit.

Thank you son,
for the birthday present
last night.
Goodbye Philip
I love you, I always will.
 All  My Love Always, Keith

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Let Love Flow

Surrender the questioning whys.
Having Faith in your beingness
that this Spiritual Flow you question
must be Trusted.
For all that it is doing is Lovingly guiding you
in your Spiritual unfoldment.

All My Love Always, Keith

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Spirit Nudges You

Spirit Nudges You

I’ve been using a Holistic Breathing meditation.
Tonight I'm meditating on it.
In the introduction,
they tell you to do what you feel like doing.
I set my intention to
start repeating out loud
every affirmation that is said.

When the affirmation came as
"My Body Is A Miracle
It Knows How To Heal Itself."
As I spoke it, I got my Spirit Nudge.
I just knew I had to send that
to my friend who has cancer.

I sat there doing this
loud breathing technique
and typing her an email.
I hit the send button
during this statement
"I Came Here For Important Reasons.
I'm Going To Share My gifts"
Spirit acknowledging my prayer gift to her.

So as I shared a prayer gift
with my friend earlier
I also share a gift with all of you.
Thank you, Spirit for moving in my life
in ways that get my attention.
I am so grateful.

Awakening to my Spirituality
and sharing it.

All My Love Always, Keith

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Wayne Dyer Quotes

A dear friend sent me this today.
It so resonated with a group discussion
we had after Monday's channel I had to share.

Ego vs. the conscious mind:

"Your ego wants you to look
for the inside
on the outside.
The outer illusion
is the major preoccupation of the ego.

The ego-idea has been with us
ever since we began to think.
It sends us false messages
about our true nature.

It leads us to make assumptions
about what will make us happy
and we end up frustrated.

It pushes us to promote our self-importance
while we yearn
for a deeper and richer life experience.

It causes us to fall into the void
of self-absorption, again and again,
not knowing that we need
only shed the false idea of who we are.

Our true self is eternal.
It is the God force within us.

The way of our higher self
is to reflect our inner reality rather
than the outer illusion.

The description given by Sogyal Rinpoche
in The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
is a wonderful explanation of this discovery:

“Two people have been living in you
all of your life.
One is the ego,
garrulous, demanding, hysterical, calculating;
the other is
the hidden spiritual being,
whose still voice of wisdom
you have only rarely heard or attended to.

"He refers to this hidden spiritual being
as our wise guide.
When we learn to transcend the illusions
sponsored by the ego,
we can access this wise guide.

We can invite in
the higher aspects of ourselves
to function in their
natural, loving, and integrated design."

--Wayne Dyer

All My Love Always, Keith

Monday, July 17, 2017



With great respect, I call on the Universe
of Infinite Unconditional Love,
Compassion, and Profound Peace.
For I am in the Universe
of Infinite Unconditional Love,
Compassion, and Profound Peace.
The Universe of Infinite Unconditional Love,
Compassion, and Profound Peace
is in this body I inhabit.
The Universe of Infinite Unconditional Love,
Compassion, and Profound Peace and I are One.

Over the past few years,
I have used this phrasing thousands of times
as I entered my Qi Gong practice.
Yesterday I thought of beginning
to lead a meditation starting with this wording.
Practicing it out loud
seeing what would come after.
What I would be led to say.

In meditation what arose was
how I was trying to wrap my mind around it.
But when I spoke of it,
it was evident that what I have been doing
these past few years is trying to
open my mind to it.

The recognition flashed through me
that the Universe is Infinite
you cannot be wrapping your mind
around the Infinite
the only possible entry point
is being open to it,
being open to the experience
of Oneness
feeling, experiencing, and being it
not an intellectual pursuit of it.

Becoming One with the Universe,
the Oneness that you are
is an experience.
Felt as a rush of feelings flowing through you
with such grace and speed
you feel transcended, 
you are it!

Lifted to a knowing
beyond anything you can perceive
for if you can perceive it,
that's only part of it.
It encompasses everything and anything
all at the same time.
I hope to get there again someday
to experience the union
with the All That Is.

In the meantime,
I retain the memory of that day
on the golf course
when I truly surrendered and experienced
the Universe of Infinite Unconditional Love,
Compassion, and Profound Peace
mired in such a deep grief
that it led me surrendering
everything to God
in a moment
that has transformed my life.

Rising like a phoenix
from the ashes
to be reborn;
reborn to exploring
this Infinite Unconditional Love,
Compassion, and Profound Peace
that surrounded me that day.

Reborn to years after that
to write about the experience
and be reminded
that as I discussed this for hours
with my hospice counselor, 
I told her the next thing that happened was
I had this download from Spirit
“To Share.”

Now in sharing this these years later,
I open to a new understanding of it.
To realizing I had even been guided
to turn it into my Qi Gong mantra.
I hope my words have opened you
to ponder what I have said.

For I now live this life
with a far different perspective
ever pursuing a greater opening
to my feeling, being,
and experiencing what I truly am.

All My Love Always, Keith