Sunday, July 2, 2017



Trust and belief
walk hand in hand do they not?
Sometimes I feel
as if I am walking in two worlds
the Spiritual and the human.

I try to wrap my head around
this Spiritual concept of Oneness.
Only to be reminded in meditation,
in this Spiritual communication
that I have worked on developing,
that Oneness just "IS!"

Trusting that one day
the realization of Oneness
will arise in me
and it will all become clear
washing away the misty fog
of my human thinking
to stand forth as self-evident. 

I ponder it again this day,
as it came up in my meditation
or communication
yet again yesterday.

Reminded I was to keep at it,
to maintain my daily practice,
to continue to strengthen
my connection with The All That Is.

Where will it lead
I have no earthly idea
as I said so very often
it is like traipsing
back and forth
between two realities.

How do I make sense of it all?
Maybe that's the whole point of it
just to Be it.

I suppose the great avatars
Jesus, Buddha, and others
were just that
the embodiment of Oneness.
Just being in their presence
made you realize it. 

Once again I feel as if
I'm in this circular path of understanding.
If it is just to Be it
how does one do that?
How does one become or experience
Oneness without understanding it?

So I keep exploring
what comes up in meditation.
Knowing that I grow in some unique way
with my curiosity for exploring
this thing I call Spirituality.

Sometimes growing in ways
that doesn't even become evident
until I look back on them.

Or the continued
re-examining of the same concept
when the light of understanding
suddenly shines forth brightly
making the unknown known.

Ever onward in the pursuit,
ever expanding in knowledge,
yet always mindful
there is so much more to do,
to become truly aware of what I am.

All  My  Love  Always,  Keith

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