Saturday, July 29, 2017

Trees Speak

Trees Speak

We were headed into the woods
for a hike this afternoon.
We had had
a heavy rain in the morning.
It was still overcast and windy.

The trees all looked different,
dark wet trunks,
glistening wet leaves
of a lively green color
even in the dusky light let
in by the heavy cloud cover.

The moss so green
with its sheen on,
the trail was shiny and moist
just so different
from a typical
dusty summer’s day.

Laura had her ear buds in
and lagged a bit behind me
lost in the music
and the scene.
I was lost
in the whisper
of the wind.

Not even noticing it
until the wind made
the tree's leaves talk.
Trees speak,
sometimes it was loud
and so raucous
you could even feel it
down on the trail.

Other times
it faded away
from my awareness
completely drifting off
into the canopy
of the trees
that were thirty feet
above us.

Rising ever so subtly
into a whisper
and then a commotion.
Like a gaggle of friends
having a grand old time.

The trees were enticing
both of us
into their realm.
A new appreciation arose
for the beauty of Mother Nature
in all her damp clothing.

Drawn into
the peace of the forest,
the mood of the woods,
the stillness of the path,
and the restlessness
of the wind,
we were.

Magically transported
to an aspect of it,
we had rarely seen
or noticed.

 Experienced it
this day we did. 
Like the glistening facet
of a diamond.

Thankful for our time
with Mother Nature
and for how she led us
into a new understanding
of just how beautiful she is.

Listen for the whisper
the trees speak,
are you

All My Love Always, Keith

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