Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Wayne Dyer Quotes

A dear friend sent me this today.
It so resonated with a group discussion
we had after Monday's channel I had to share.

Ego vs. the conscious mind:

"Your ego wants you to look
for the inside
on the outside.
The outer illusion
is the major preoccupation of the ego.

The ego-idea has been with us
ever since we began to think.
It sends us false messages
about our true nature.

It leads us to make assumptions
about what will make us happy
and we end up frustrated.

It pushes us to promote our self-importance
while we yearn
for a deeper and richer life experience.

It causes us to fall into the void
of self-absorption, again and again,
not knowing that we need
only shed the false idea of who we are.

Our true self is eternal.
It is the God force within us.

The way of our higher self
is to reflect our inner reality rather
than the outer illusion.

The description given by Sogyal Rinpoche
in The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
is a wonderful explanation of this discovery:

“Two people have been living in you
all of your life.
One is the ego,
garrulous, demanding, hysterical, calculating;
the other is
the hidden spiritual being,
whose still voice of wisdom
you have only rarely heard or attended to.

"He refers to this hidden spiritual being
as our wise guide.
When we learn to transcend the illusions
sponsored by the ego,
we can access this wise guide.

We can invite in
the higher aspects of ourselves
to function in their
natural, loving, and integrated design."

--Wayne Dyer

All My Love Always, Keith

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