Thursday, April 28, 2016

Let Today Be The Day 04.28.2016

Let Today Be The Day  

Let today be the day I shift my awareness to Spirit
and actively sense all with my heart.
The day I step back from my physical senses
and open to my Spiritual senses.
What higher purpose could I live for today
than to be the LOVE that I AM
and express that love wherever I go? 

All My Love Always, Keith

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

An Interview With My Brothers Self-Doubt and Self-Criticism

An Interview With My Brothers
Self-Doubt and Self-Criticism

Introduction:  "So I'm sitting here with my two brothers,
Self-Doubt and Self-Criticism."

Keith: "So who came first?"

Self-Criticism: "Oh that would be me, I'm Self-Criticism.  
Your mom raised me in your consciousness very early."

Keith: "So when did you come along Self-Doubt?"

Self-Doubt:  "Well.  I arrived shortly after Self-Criticism;
you see we are twins."

Keith:  "Twins from the same mother?"

Self-Criticism:  "No, not exactly we live in your consciousness."

Keith:  "But you came from my mom, right?"

Self-Doubt:  "If you mean initially then yes,
but if you mean why are we here right now, no."

Keith:  "Wait a minute!
What do you mean by if I mean right now?"

Self-Criticism: "Yes right now
we live in your consciousness.  Right?
Your mom transitioned years ago,
but we still live on in your consciousness."

Keith:  "So why are you here?"

Self-Doubt:  "I'm here because you enjoy questioning everything."

Self-Criticism:  "Well I'm here because you invited me back in."

Keith:  "So now you are both mine?"

Self-Doubt:  "Sure we are!
We come back all the time, whenever you call on us."

Self-Criticism:  "That's right whenever you feel the need
to beat yourself up
we are just a thought away."

Keith:  "So why do I keep bringing you two back?!"

Self-Criticism and Self-Doubt in unison:
"Why that's for you to figure out, not us,
we're just messing with you.  It's a lot of fun for us.
We get to watch you fumble about trying to figure us out
and why we came back and on and on."

Keith:  "What if I told you, two jokers, I had enough of this?"

Self-Criticism:  "Then we'd leave."

Self-Doubt:  "Yeah what's the fun of it
if you don't pay any attention to us?"

Keith:  "Good then I'm asking you to leave.
But not before I give you two new names."

Self-Criticism and Self-Doubt in unison:
"Why would you do that?"

Keith: "Because whenever you two come around
you are teaching me a lesson."

Self-Criticism:  "Dang!
You are finally going to get this, aren't you?"

Keith:  "Yes I am!
Self-Criticism your new name is Self-Compassion."

Self-Doubt:  "What about me, what about me?"

Keith:  "Self-Doubt your new name
is Self-Determination."
Whenever you come around again,
I will know what to do."

Self-Criticism and Self-Doubt in unison:  "What's that?"

Keith:  "I'll just treat myself to both of you
and then move on with Self-Compassion and Self-Determination
in what I set out to do, anyway."

Self-Criticism and Self-Doubt in unison:  "See ya."

Keith:  "Thanks for coming, I totally enjoyed seeing you.
I'm glad you hung around long enough this time for me
 to learn why you both had shown up!"

All My Love Always, Keith

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Spiritual Neutral

Spiritual Neutral

Sitting here in a quandary about myself,
feeling as if I have more to give, more to offer,
but I’m stuck in Spiritual neutral.
I put in a lot of work.
I made a ton of progress
doing things I have never imagined I could or even would do.
Then the doubts kick in.  The “who do I think I am” doing this stuff?
I go from making tremendous Spiritual progress
and feeling good about it
to being stuck in neutral.
Doubts hold me back,
failing to take the next step or any step at all.

It all sounds so easy to just to keep on keeping on
but for me, I have a real pattern of self-criticism,
and you’re not good enough
that even when I bust through it once
it rears itself right back up again.
It doesn't matter how hard I try or how good I do
it lurks everywhere I turn.
Frustration turns into stagnation.

How do I shift out of Spiritual neutral
and just step into being who I was meant to be?
Why do I conjure up all these reasons
why I’m not good enough?
Why can’t I just exude self-confidence
like I see others I know do?

I’ve been told to write more and more.
I hesitate even now to write this.
And so it goes.
At least I’m doing something right now
expressing thoughts and questions.
Airing out my dirty laundry so to speak,
maybe that’s the trick?
It’s not about airing it out.
It’s about cleaning it out.
Cleaning out these bad habits of mine.

All My Love Always, Keith

An Inside Look:

"I must look inside myself,to free myself.
I must call upon God's Power
 to face the person I've feared the most,
the True Me.
The Person God created me to be.
Unless I can, or until I do,
I will always be running and never be truly free"
(~~Bill Wilson)