Wednesday, April 20, 2016

An Interview With My Brothers Self-Doubt and Self-Criticism

An Interview With My Brothers
Self-Doubt and Self-Criticism

Introduction:  "So I'm sitting here with my two brothers,
Self-Doubt and Self-Criticism."

Keith: "So who came first?"

Self-Criticism: "Oh that would be me, I'm Self-Criticism.  
Your mom raised me in your consciousness very early."

Keith: "So when did you come along Self-Doubt?"

Self-Doubt:  "Well.  I arrived shortly after Self-Criticism;
you see we are twins."

Keith:  "Twins from the same mother?"

Self-Criticism:  "No, not exactly we live in your consciousness."

Keith:  "But you came from my mom, right?"

Self-Doubt:  "If you mean initially then yes,
but if you mean why are we here right now, no."

Keith:  "Wait a minute!
What do you mean by if I mean right now?"

Self-Criticism: "Yes right now
we live in your consciousness.  Right?
Your mom transitioned years ago,
but we still live on in your consciousness."

Keith:  "So why are you here?"

Self-Doubt:  "I'm here because you enjoy questioning everything."

Self-Criticism:  "Well I'm here because you invited me back in."

Keith:  "So now you are both mine?"

Self-Doubt:  "Sure we are!
We come back all the time, whenever you call on us."

Self-Criticism:  "That's right whenever you feel the need
to beat yourself up
we are just a thought away."

Keith:  "So why do I keep bringing you two back?!"

Self-Criticism and Self-Doubt in unison:
"Why that's for you to figure out, not us,
we're just messing with you.  It's a lot of fun for us.
We get to watch you fumble about trying to figure us out
and why we came back and on and on."

Keith:  "What if I told you, two jokers, I had enough of this?"

Self-Criticism:  "Then we'd leave."

Self-Doubt:  "Yeah what's the fun of it
if you don't pay any attention to us?"

Keith:  "Good then I'm asking you to leave.
But not before I give you two new names."

Self-Criticism and Self-Doubt in unison:
"Why would you do that?"

Keith: "Because whenever you two come around
you are teaching me a lesson."

Self-Criticism:  "Dang!
You are finally going to get this, aren't you?"

Keith:  "Yes I am!
Self-Criticism your new name is Self-Compassion."

Self-Doubt:  "What about me, what about me?"

Keith:  "Self-Doubt your new name
is Self-Determination."
Whenever you come around again,
I will know what to do."

Self-Criticism and Self-Doubt in unison:  "What's that?"

Keith:  "I'll just treat myself to both of you
and then move on with Self-Compassion and Self-Determination
in what I set out to do, anyway."

Self-Criticism and Self-Doubt in unison:  "See ya."

Keith:  "Thanks for coming, I totally enjoyed seeing you.
I'm glad you hung around long enough this time for me
 to learn why you both had shown up!"

All My Love Always, Keith

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