Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Spiritual Connections - Mom's Gift

Spiritual Connections – Mom’s Gift

My son, Alex and his wife, Gabi
were in Gatlinburg last week
celebrating their first anniversary.
He called me Friday night
to tell me about their day.
They wanted to do
Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies,
but when they got there in the morning,
the line was way too long.
So they went off exploring the town.
They saw three bears which just delighted Gabi.
Alex had an experience that was amazing also.

Hours later they realized
they needed to get to the aquarium
if they wanted to get through it before closing.
There's a unique feature
where you walk through a transparent tunnel
and see the fish all around you.
As they entered this narrow aisle way,
“Canon in D” was playing.
Alex looked at his watch;
it was 5:56 pm.
His body flashed with goosebumps
as he thanked his mom in heaven
for her impeccable timing
to get them both there
at that moment
walking down an aisle way
with that song playing.

At just before 6 pm
exactly one year ago
they walked the aisle together
for the very first time
as a married couple
as that song played!
I remember watching them
walk down the aisle
with so much love in their hearts.
I remembered he had asked us
to save a seat on the front row
for his mom and put her picture there.
I remembered all those times
his mom has visited me
over the last 8 years since her transition
and how I too experienced goosebumps.
These signs from her
have utterly changed my view
of what death means.
I have read of so many similar accounts
and immersed myself in trying to understand
what “across the veil” means.
I call them truth shivers now.

So as I related it to my wife Laura and others,
I was so thrilled Alex
had such an overwhelming feeling arise in him.
That his mom was there with them,
that she had ensured
they showed up at the very moment
that would crystallize
his recognition of this event
into a belief.
A belief
that our loved ones don't die;
they live on in another realm
we like to call heaven.
Heaven seems so far away at times,
but in reality,
this veil is so delicate and porous
that if we are aware enough,
our loved ones
continue to be with us
and let us know it.
They honor our special days
with spiritual synchronicities like this
just as we continue to pay tribute
to their special days
on this human plane. 

Thank you, Alex and Gabi,
for sharing your mom’s gift with us,
I love you both so dearly.

All My Love Always, Dad