Sunday, April 26, 2015

Stacked Guidance


God speaks to you every day.
Understand the subtle messages.
Intuitions they are, a glimpse of the cosmic database.
Develop them as your guides.
Act on these messages.
Now you get it.
Continues you on your spiritual path they do.

Everyday, for everyday the messages are there for you.

All my love always, Keith

Monday, April 13, 2015



Garbage In Garbage Out,
one of the early computer terms I learned
but today I think of the course I'm taking.
It's called Prosperity Plus by Mary Morrissey,
she talks about living life at a different frequency.
So this day I say,
God In God Out.

For God is inside all of us
a Divine spirit within us.
That if we allow it,
if we look and notice
the subtle messages it gives,
it will give us guidance.
So we can live God out,
God outside us,
we reflect the divinity within us
to those we meet.
In the actions we take.
In the way, we choose to live our lives.
For the greatest gift God has given us
is the gift of free will.
The free will to choose to live a Godly life
or not for I was one of the or not
for quite some time.

That gets me back to Mary Morrissey
and her course Prosperity Plus course.
It has helped me live a more Godly life.
She talks of frequencies,
how you can live your life at CNN's,
all doom and gloom and the latest disaster,
or you can tune into the Discovery channel
and see the wonder of it all!
Is it any wonder that my newspaper
rarely gets even brought in the house these days,
for it is at a frequency below which I want to live.
Below which I choose to live.

So I read Deepak Chopra's The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.
One Chapter a day, over and over I go,
and Dr. Wayne Dyer's Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life
one verse a day, over and over I go.
For I have exercised my God-given right to choose
how I will live the remainder of my life,
And It is God In and God Out.

Now I ask you
Will You Choose?
For each new day
there is a new choice
that can be made,
may yours be the best one for you today.
The one that’s anchored in LOVE

You are not a drop in the ocean.

You are the entire ocean in a drop.

- Rumi -

All My Love Always, Keith

Friday, April 10, 2015

Flap Your Wings

Flap Your Wings




All My Love Always, Keith

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Creative Energy


That's what we are
creative energy.
What wakes us up
every day?
What make us sleep
every night?

We're just energy!
Fresh and full of it are we
when we get up,
yet tired and out of it
at the end of the day.

But what is it?
I really don't know
but strive to understand it
I do.

Spiritual beings
in a human form
just energy we are.

I walk along looking to the heavens
and soaking in the natural scene
the trees, the grass
the earth, I walk upon.

Light and dark,
the seen and the unseen,
the shadows and the dark.

Recharging my Spiritual battery
with these scenes.
For I've been graced
to live yet another day.

May your spirit
be rich and vibrant today.
Bursting with
Creative energy.

So much so,
you just give thanks
for waking up
To live another day!

All My Love Always, Keith

Thursday, April 2, 2015

I Like To Write


Here I sit at the start of another day
already one post I have sent today.
One more I have composed.
Now, another I write this day.

How is it so?
For it was after midnight when I retired
and yet at 4 am I awake thinking of Fight 232.
My mother survived that harrowing ordeal.
Oldest living survivor she was in an Iowa cornfield.

Of that, I write for two hours or so.
For it will be a part of my new book.
Then I walk and pen another
and now before I go
yet one more I do write.

This creative force has possessed me so.
People ask me how I get anything else done.
It’s through a lack of normal sleep,
I guess.
For it’s gone on for weeks and I do not stop
and dead tired I am not.

May you find something
that drives you so.
Ever onward,
ever upward,
It’s a wonderful ride
You know.

P.S.  A note about the book.
Still working on it am I,
twelve chapters in after 3 ½ years or so.
Found a resource through a church publication
that helps aspiring authors
launch their book, excited about that.
Once the move is over and we’re settled
I plan on really exploring the publishing of it.
Stay tuned.

All My Love Always, Keith

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Another Day

Another Day

As I walk on yet another day
the stars seem so faint.
Not a cloud in the sky
anywhere to be seen
but faint they are.

When behind me I look.
Then from behind a roof top
it pops,
the moon nearly full,
that lone star again by its side.

Again I think of God
and a Guardian Angel
named Jane watching over me.
But today there are so many stars to see.
Like a Sea of Angels beaming good down at me.

Perceptions change from day to day,
what seems like a good idea today
may seem not so on another.
Or a historical account you relate
becomes "What was I thinking?"

And so as we start this day
I know not what to say.
For what will it's meaning be
on yet another day.
When moved we are
in yet a different way.
But that's the joy
of the human experience.
Ah yes,
when MOVED we are

in yet a different way.

All My Love Always, Keith