Wednesday, January 13, 2021



Choice 01.13.21


Grateful and Thankful

I chose to read

this blog post

this morning.

I responded to it

with this:


The ability

to make a choice

is such a gift.

Sitting in awareness

and leaving that option

of choice open

is allowing yourself

the Grace To Be.


Do I allow myself

to be dragged

into negative thinking

by the ego,

or do I allow myself

to view all things

through the eyes

of the love I am,

that we all are.



the most trying moments

when my son

was in the ICU

after emergency brain surgery,

I was consumed

by all sorts of

negative thoughts.

I asked myself why?

I meditate all the time;

why isn't it helping



At that moment,

I chose to seek

that stillness

I was so familiar with.

What came

immediately was this:

"Breath in Love, Exhale Peace."

It brought me home

to my center,

where Love resides.

It calmed

my monkey mind then.

It sustained me

for all the ensuing

difficult times

of his two year battle

with brain cancer.


And now,

as his first Angelversary


it comes up

as a choice to make

yet again.

Again I lean on the mantra

that came

from the stillness

that day in the ICU.

I am continuing

to choose

to anchor myself

in it:

Breath in Love, Exhale Peace.

It always leads me

back to the Love

that birthed us all.

 All My Love always, Keith

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Connection 01.09.21




I read a blog from a friend

called Love's Eternal Light today.

My heart was feeling very heavy.

Next week's impending

first Angelversary of my son

was hitting me very intensely.

So I did as I often do,

I took a hike.

It always seems to bring me back

to my loving center.


I was breathing in the winter's air

in the peaceful silence of the woods.

Allowing myself to go where I felt led.

So as I got to a split in the trail,

I followed my intuition

"this way!"

As I strolled along,

I noticed a Robin.

Jason's robins were with me!

That is a sign I have had

since his transition.

And not just one this day,

a flock of them.

I felt connected to him

in those first moments

of seeing them.


I saw my whole hike

unfold in my mind.

So I looped down to the main trail.

I crossed the bridge

(that has its own story of connection).

I now call it Jason's rainbow bridge.

Just after that,

another flock of robins.

A smile crosses my face

and lifts my heart higher.


As I head back,

I know I'm going to go off

the main path again and

back into the deep woods.

As I climb a ridge,

I notice Robins as I look up.

They always seem to be flying off

away from me farther down the trail.

Time after time,

when I look up,

I see this.

My heart becomes so light

with this loving sense.

This sense

that I'm hiking again with my son

as we so often did on visits.


Then I'm beaming

with the realization

that Jason knows

where I am going next!

He's guiding the Robins

to the path in front of me!

The flock is continually

flitting off before me

as I look up.

It fills my awareness,

time after time, when I look up.

Robins are everywhere before me.


This awareness gifts me;

it's washed the heaviness

from my heart.

It has left me with a confirmation

once again, that love never dies!


Thanks for hiking with me, Jason,

you made this dreary

cold winter's day

filled with the heaviness

of grief so much brighter.

Your love fills my heart

to overflowing.

My tear-filled eyes

again look up now

to see the title to

Sandy's blog message today.

"Love's Eternal Light"

thank you

for continuing

to shine it on me,

Dear Jason.


Love you, Dad.


My dear friend, Sandy,

posts daily messages.

You can read the one

my post refers to here.

All My Love Always, Keith