Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Guiding And Nurturing You

Guiding and Nurturing You

In my Spiritual journey, I elected to have
an evidential mediumship reading with Suzanne Giesemann.
I remember thinking it was a bit nuts
to wait so long for the reading.
She's magnificent and has a long waiting list.
Finally, it came in December of 2015,
and it was perfect timing.
I had made plans to dive into my Spiritual life
exploring mediumship myself in a deeper way
by studying at Arthur Findlay College in England and the U.S. 

I wanted to clean out any old emotional baggage I had
before I left in February for AFC.
A comment that was brushed off
in my December reading with Suzanne
took on a whole new significance
when shortly after that, during a Reiki healing,
the same issue came up.
When I went back and reviewed them,
I was stunned by a connection to another session I had.
The magnitude of all three
from three different unconnected people
swept me up into emotions and realizations about my past.

I had just become aware of how distinct childhood memories
can be so thoroughly buried in your psyche
that they never see the light of day
and in that darkness, healing cannot take place.
It's a child's natural defense
to bury a painful or hurtful memory,
or it was in my case anyway.
These memories I speak of were just that.

Any of you who know me,
have heard one of my Spiritual mantras is:
Keep an Open Mind,
Watch for Signs,
for There Are No Coincidences.
I guess that's what this is all about.
Keep exploring your Spirituality.
These subtle nudges to explore something
or get a healing session
whatever you feel led to pursue.
Being guided and nurtured to grow spiritually
is something I firmly believe is ongoing in our lives.

So as I read through my old notes the other day
I knew it was no coincidence
that I was moved to be open and explore them.
How we must face our fears,
emotional pains, or sorrows to rise above them.
Bring them into the transformational light of higher awareness,
thereby diminishing their emotional hold on you.

So it is no coincidence that I share
part of my personal journey with you today.
For in sharing I help myself heal and others too.
What drove this piece
was a friend responding to yesterday's post with
"Thank you, I needed to hear this."
One of my earliest nudges in my Spiritual Awakening was
"To Share."
Listen to the subtle voice,
the intuitive nudges you receive,
they are guiding you,
always guiding you and nurturing you.    

All My Love Always, Keith

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