Thursday, March 19, 2015

Of Snail Mails and Emails


Went to the mailbox yesterday
and there I found a letter to me.
Telling of an event that changed her life
in 1968 did she.
Sharing it with so few over the years
but now with me.
For she’s read my posts
and knows I know of events like these.

Reading an e-mail that same day
talking about life’s events was she.
How they’ve unfolded for her,
trying to find meaning in these.
And in these two I see a commonality.
For it’s the experience of life that molds us,
now our paths have crossed for a reason.
It has been a long, winding, journey for all of us.
But here today my relationship with both
has changed.
We talk about things rarely spoken to anyone in years
but the time has come
where it just fits the day.

I wandered along today
relishing my morning walk on yet another day,
feeling the oneness permeate myself and the day.
I’m reminded of what a friend told me just the other day:
“It’s like you live your whole day in meditation.”
On this day I agree,
for it’s not so bad,
when filled with the joy of life you are.
I just wish I could give you all a taste of what I felt today.
On that morning walk, that is but a meditation,
on the oneness that we all share and are.

All my love always, Keith

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