Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Constricted Thoughts

Constricted Thoughts

See it’s hard to write
when your thoughts are constricted.
For again today my little dog got away from me.
I dropped the leash and off she went.
My how fast is she.
But my thoughts filled with doom you see.
Her leash and harness would get stuck on a tree
and she would not be able to get free.

But dark it was, so blind I was,
to see where she could possibly be.
So I wandered aimlessly with thoughts of doom and gloom.
As I notice the dawn had arrived and I could actually see,
off I went again in search of thee.
Only to realize that it would be so very hard to see
everywhere she could possibly be.
As I came to the gate wondering what was to be her fate,
she appears without her leash and harness
and looks at me so gleefully.
For I’m free, she says in her playful way,
and off she races as if to say,
see how much I love my freedom.

But I smile as I close the gate
for I know she’ll show up again when she’s done.
She just wants to be free
to run and play for awhile today.
She’ll come home in due time
for she knows the love that awaits her here.

Isn’t that what we all want,
to be free, to experience the endless love,
we were meant to be.
For in touch with her spirituality is she,
so I see how the constrictions of my ego’s thoughts
put a constriction on me.
I wanted to control how it was to be,
when you can shed
your ego’s harness and leash of thoughts like these
you can be in touch with your spirituality
and for me to write again as now you can all see.
My restrictions were generated by my ego’s thoughts.

Now to you I say have a wonderful day
and set yourself free from your ego today.
So you can be in touch with your spirituality
and truly experience the all loving spiritual being
you were meant to be.

You are not a drop in the ocean.

You are the entire ocean in a drop.

- Rumi -

All My Love Always, Keith

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