Sunday, March 8, 2015

Not Much To Say

Not Much To Say

I received an e-mail the other day,
expecting a motivational message
they were that day,
I had one ready but hadn’t hit send.
For I was getting it ready for that end,
and here I sit today with not much to say,
wondering if this will even get sent this day.

Conversations with God is my latest read
as I started I did stop
and proclaimed aloud what I thought
for this book is very good indeed.

For now I feel like a sponge.
So many books I have begun.
Soaking up so much information
is not the issue for me.
It’s the random nature of my quest.

I am reading multiple books at once
and how can that be good for me?.
By multiple I mean 6 or 7 for I’ve lost count.
So much to delve into and so little time.

That’s the issue
I’ve lost track of the premise
from the Power Of Now.
How all you can do
is live in this very moment.
You're just wasting your time
if in the past or the future you find yourself.
You must make the most
of this very moment you are in.
And so I guess a message I have left.

For I want you to live in this very moment.
I want you to live life full out.
With the reckless abandon
of a child bursting with endless possibilities.
Dream your dreams
and make them so vivid
they manifest into your reality.
For writing is like that for me,
there are just endless possibilities.
I’ve wandered through these lines today
 and finally found I’ve delivered a message this day.
And so the journey continues,
and what a joyous journey it has become,

You are not a drop in the ocean.

You are the entire ocean in a drop.

- Rumi -

All My Love Always, Keith

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