Saturday, April 18, 2020

Jason's Robin

Jason’s Robin

This morning I saw a FB post
about the robin as a sign
for a lost loved one for someone else.
She mentioned how grateful she was.
It has led me to share my recent experiences.
I Googled the Spiritual significance
of robin's and found this:
In short, the spiritual meaning
of a robin includes transformation, growth,
renewal, passion, change, and power.
The robin is all about perseverance
and trying to "keep on keeping on."
The robin can teach you
how to focus and trust yourself better.
Robins have a passion,
and this can be a sign spiritually.

My response to the FB post was this:
I love this;
my oldest son transitioned
on January 15th this year
after a nearly two year
battle with brain cancer.
I saw robins
even before his transition.
He was in hospice care
those final few weeks
he was with us.
I knew it was a sign from him
as he danced between realms
in his last days in this one.
He knew very well
the great love I have for birds.
How I lovingly I tend
to their feeders all year long.
He knew I had asked him
about his favorite bird
during the last visit
I had with him.
Is it any wonder
robins are symbols
of change and transformation?
Not to me now.

Now, I consider it a sign
from my son of his transformation
and the change
in the way he communicates with me.
I've lost count of how many times
I've thought of him
only to look up just seconds
or minutes later
and see a robin
looking back at me
from our porch railing.
Head cocked and eyeing me
as if to say,
"Yeah, it's me!"

He loved to photobomb people
as they took pictures.
Now he's found a new way
to photobomb my awareness
of his continuing presence in my life.
Now when I see him,
I say there's Jason's Robin!
Yes, the perseverance
to keep on keeping on
reminding me of his presence
in my life.
For that, I am grateful too!

All My Love Always, Keith

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