Thursday, December 3, 2020

Be The Light

Be The Light

Facebook brought me this

from their Share A Memory feature.

It is from December 3rd, 2015.

I thought all I was sharing

was the quote and image.

Since all that was all that displayed

in the Share A Memory box.

I was pleasantly surprised

by what I wrote back then.

It comes as a reminder

that it just may be more relevant

in these times of social distancing

and quarantines than it was then.

Here it is:


I sat with and an excellent read the other day.

Then during a discussion,

I was told to do nearly the same thing.

Spirit is always sending us messages.

If we but still ourselves enough

to recognize its presence.

You may be thinking now:

How am I to be the light?

Well, what resonated with me

from that book was this statement.

When you want to connect to Source,

whatever your name for it is.

Imagine a column of light

from your heart to Source.

I envision this beautiful

golden glowing umbilical cord

soaring into the heavens.

There it connects to the Source

of the infinite,

the unconditional love of the universe.

To the infinite, unconditional love

of All That Is.

The other thing?

Envision yourself standing there

with whoever you want to help.

Hold this vision

of both of your souls

standing there in front of you.

Holding hands with one another

face to face.

Envision this golden beam of love energy

moving energetically

back and forth between your souls.

Communicating whatever

it is you want to.

Be it healing, love,

or just to support them on a soul level.

I did that sitting

in church last Sunday.

I knew of two people

who required healing energy.

I sat there and held the connection

to infinite unconditional love.

I saw this golden heart sized

umbilical cord of divine connection

going from my heart to the heavens.

I also saw two streams

of that golden energy

connecting to my friends.

Joining them at their heart level.

Beaming in compassion,

love, and healing power.

It was like a visual

silent prayer for them.

Try being the light.

I know you'll love this new way

to pray for others.


All My Love Always, Keith

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