Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ahhhhhh Moon Shadows Again

Ahhhhhh Moon Shadows Again

As I start my walk
moon shadows again bless my path.
Another start to a wondrous day.
There’s a cool breeze that chills me.
I’m reminded of my boyhood home in Western NY.

I look to the heavens and see the moon,
not as full, but so high and bright tonight.
As it gently glides through a soft, small cloud
I notice a lone star by it’s side, 
gently gliding along with it, as if hand in hand.

I’m reminded of a fellow I talked to yesterday
as we closed I told him
I knew not what the future holds
but does it matter?
He looked at me and said 
"I thought you were going to end it by saying
you walk hand in hand with GOD and Jane at your side."

As I look at the moon shining so large and bright this night
and that lone star gliding along as if hand in hand with it.
I think of GOD and Jane guiding me along my path.
I turned to him and told him
“you know I’ve told people she’s my guardian angel now.”
And So It Is I start another wondrous day.
Walking hand in hand with the lord and my guardian angel
Ever Present At My Side.

Just know as you go about your day
you never walk alone,
God is always with you. 
Ever present, guiding you and nurturing
 you in such subtle ways like a shadow.
Be still and notice them
for they are love notes
just for you. 

You are not a drop in the ocean.

You are the entire ocean in a drop.

- Rumi -

All My Love Always, Keith

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