Monday, September 7, 2015

Sunrise 11.24.11


Slept in.  A lazy start to the day.
Daylight greets me
not darkness on my walk.
I notice from the sunrise how much farther south it is,
a crisp and clear morn with a hint of a frost.
A large flock of birds flies overhead.
Like a flying black blanket in the sky.
Rippling and pulsing with a life of its own.
Though it's just a bunch of birds
the flock appears to have a life of its own
Where they came from or where they're off to, I'll never know.
For soon they're gone and out of sight.
 Only to be replaced by another flock later in my walk
or is it the same one making a return appearance?
I do not know, but I stand and gaze at the sight
stopping and looking up with the delight of watching life.

A squirrel catches my eye hopped up on the fence
with a nut in his mouth.
Runs along the fence top pausing, as if staring at me,
then he scurries along on his way.
The squirrels back flitting along the fence
into the pine and hopping from limb to limb.
Then back along and down the fence into the yard.
Then another appears as if following his lead.
Fleeting glimpses of them on the ground
movements here and there.
May you stare and make a connection today
at the wonders in your daily life that so often go unnoticed.

All My Love Always, Keith

If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.
Vincent VanGogh

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