Monday, September 21, 2015

3:54 12.01.11


The cat wakes me up I put him out.
The dogs hear the door now they are up.
I think but it's before 4, I can't get up, I need to sleep!
So back I try to go.
But then I hear the dogs at the door, they don't care the time.
They're ready to go. So up I get.
The old me would have fought to try to sleep.
To get a few more fitful winks, here and there,
through the clamour at the door.
But today I choose to get up.
 I can always take a nap later if need be.
I open the door.  It's 3:54

Clear and cold the ground crunches beneath my feet.
The sky's the show on this day. 
It's so clear, no clouds just full of stars.
The Big Dipper, Cassiopeia the lazy W constellation,
and Orion's belt, the three bright stars in a row.
Try as I might the Little Dipper is too faint,
too elusive, to really truly make out.

Annie gets crazy tearing about running circles around us
prancing and dancing as she goes.
I love my morning walks, a beautiful way to start the day,
to reconnect with the wonder of it all.
I remember last night leaving church and gazing up at the moon.
Just stopping and staring. 
May you find that or sense that today
or feel it in some way the wonder of it all.
Be it in a baby's smile or a thought that crosses your mind
or a bird's flight that catches your eye.
Take the time to reconnect to the wonder of it all.

All My Love Always, Keith

The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.

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