Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Wall


Where this goes is anyone’s guess.
Wore out my body is.
Seems like I've been going flat out
for weeks now.
I have been fighting a backache for a few days,
the old routine, break out the heating pad.
Then the sleep thing forces me to catch up,
slept in until 6:30 today.

A few months back that was normal.
Now it seems like I slept in real late.
Someone told me I'd better watch it
or my body would just make me slow down.
Guess that time has arrived.
Need a break from the short nights.
Midnight to four is not enough.
Recharge and Rejuvenate I must.

We used to call it hitting the wall
in my marathon running days.
If you went out too hard
you'd hit the wall at 20 miles or so.
I remember in the Buffalo marathon
I hooked up with a talker
and the pace was too brisk
for what I trained.

He moved on as I slowed.
The die had been cast though
by the fast early pace.
Then I went from running to barely moving.
Even sat for a spell
Hit the Wall very hard that day.

I passed up the chance
to ride in when it was offered.
Glad I did because I finished that race.
Not with a fast time
but with the realization
I could push myself through pain
to accomplish something.

My mind told me I couldn’t,
my mind told me I wouldn’t,
but somewhere deep inside
lies a power far greater
than my humble mind
I awakened it that day
in my physical life.

It’s only taken me another
thirty-one years
to awaken it in my spiritual life.
For now I believe it’s not about me
it’s not about what I can do.
For there’s a power
a far, far greater power than that.
One that if you let it
show in your life
it will change it forever.

You already enjoy this for it 
has been ever present.
May you realize this,
and may you develop this
to be the driving force
in your life.

All My Love Always, Keith

That is the real spiritual awakening
when something emerges from within you that is deeper than who you thought you were.
So, the person is still there,
but one could almost say
that something more powerful shines through the person.

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