Friday, June 12, 2015

Spiritual Indigestion

Spiritual Indigestion

Laura and I were talking this morning.
She went to bed with something tugging at her heart strings.
Woke up thinking about it in the middle of the night
and thought she had released it.
We sat there doing our morning spiritual reading.
The first one she reads brings it all back.

So we sit there discussing it.
Why is it when you know spiritual principles and try to live them
that they don’t seem to work sometimes?
We kicked it around all through breakfast.
It was easy for me to come up with similar issues that nagged at me.

We went off onto another topic,
before long, realizing it was tying into the theme of the day.
So we agreed we needed to respond in Love.
We were at a lower vibration feeding the issue
with a lower energy
rather than accepting it as it was.
In the end we invoked the ancient Hawaiian Ho’ oponopono prayer:
Thank you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I love you.
Fully realizing issues or events we have a hard time digesting
will more than likely come back into your awareness again and again.

My takeaway from this morning’s Spiritual Indigestion was this.
It’s not enough to mentally or intellectually forgive someone
or release the perception of your problem.
The ego loves the juice of controversy, drama
and the feeling of “I’ve been wronged!”
It has to come from the heart,
from a place of love.
Love is the highest vibration there is.
If we can respond with love, compassion, and forgiveness
there is no juice left for the ego to feed off of.

I know, for me, that this is an ongoing process
since the ego is well schooled in looking for future
opportunities to present you with “I’ve been wronged!”
So it is all a matter of perspective.
Will you choose to feel you’ve been wronged
or will you choose to put a smile on your face
and respond with love anyway?

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