Friday, December 18, 2015

Ginger 12.17.15

Ginger 12.17.15

You bring a new pet into your home; you have to adjust.
It’s a change a new presence in each of your lives.
Soon there’s the knowledge of how well you each know each other.
One day, you just can’t tell when if asked, they become family.
Part of the family unit part of how your family operates.

Ginger came to us from a shelter having been abused as just a pup.
She always seemed a bit skittish, like she never got over that early trauma.
She was a dear sweet thing; I always said she was on a see food diet.
She’d eat anything and everything, and no other dog should leave their bowl unattended.
She mothered every pet that came along after her,
and those who were already there, and treated them like her own.
That was pretty funny to see with Annie, who grew to three times her size.
She got along with the cats when they were in the mix.
She happily moved with me when I re-married.
She adapted yet again when little Wink joined us two years ago.
She was just a gentle, loving soul.

She loved her walks whether it be in the neighborhood or in the woods.
We often asked her if she wanted to go for a walk.
I swear she would race around the house and expend more energy than on the walk,
just getting ready racing back and forth between us as we prepared.
She and Wink just loved our hikes at Greenway Farms, Prentice Cooper
Forest and Signal Mountain.  The week we spent in the Smokies was a special treat.
That was the happiest I ever saw her just romping around chasing chipmunks and such.
She had this happy smile on her face all the time out there.
We got the biggest kick out of the two of them racing off into the woods.
Then they’d come roaring back down the trail
and see that “yup we were still plodding along.”
Then off they would tear on some new adventure.

The sad thing is when it’s time to go.
She crossed that Rainbow Bridge yesterday.
Ginger my dear friend you will be missed.
Now it is my time to adjust to living without you.
Knowing that whenever I was home you just wanted to be near,
a dear friend told me she was a wee little angel now.
So every now and then in the weeks, months,
and years ahead when I sense something,
I’ll just know my wee little angel is paying me a visit again,
just to be around me once again.
I know a broad smile will cross my face
as I remember her in all her grace.

All My Love Always, Keith

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