Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Ever Notice? 12.08.15

Ever Notice?

Have you ever noticed how old stuff pops up?
C.G. Jung called it the shadow.
Repressed parts of our personality that we don't want to see.
They come back when something in our daily lives triggers them.
  Often with more emotion attached to them
than the trigger would lead you to believe they would have.

Reading a book, Birthing a Greater Reality by Robert Brumet.
He states becoming aware of these shadows is key
and then one must take self-responsibility for them.
"The source of our unhappiness is always within our self.
Circumstances and other people can be a trigger or 
the catalyst for our difficulty, but our response
to any experience is always our responsibility."

It's essentially forgiveness work.
Releasing all the blame be it associated
with our self or others.
"Forgiveness is both a choice and a process."
That's "the taught us what we need to know" part.
They keep coming back until we learn from them.

We have many triggers from so many life events.
If we become aware and choose to change
we can release these triggers.
One by one as they come up.
It is a process, an ongoing process of forgiveness.
That frees us from our past.

All My Love Always, Keith

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