Tuesday, December 29, 2015

For All That Has Been

I'm thankful for every single thing in my life
that has led me to where I am today.
Thankful for where I've been,
Thankful for where I am,
Thankful for where I'm going,
Thankful for how I'm growing.
May we all grow in love,
Share in love and,
Express that love.
Blessings to all of you as we head into a new year.

All My Love Always, Keith

All My Love Always, Keith

Friday, December 25, 2015

You Are LOVE

You Are LOVE

My dear friends, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
As a gift to yourself just give yourself fifteen minutes.
Give yourself a gift of fifteen minutes
to watch this YouTube video
titled You Are LOVE.
The link is active and should take you right to it when you click on it. 
Again Merry Christmas and may your New Year be filled
with joys beyond your dreams.

We are all here to grow in love, experience love, share in love, and to be love.

All My Love Always, Keith

Sunday, December 20, 2015

No Matter 12.20.15

No Matter 12.20.15

No matter what’s happening in my life.
No matter where I am.
No matter how I feel.
I choose love.
I choose to see life, 
through the eyes of love.
No matter what.

All My Love always, Keith

Friday, December 18, 2015

Ginger 12.17.15

Ginger 12.17.15

You bring a new pet into your home; you have to adjust.
It’s a change a new presence in each of your lives.
Soon there’s the knowledge of how well you each know each other.
One day, you just can’t tell when if asked, they become family.
Part of the family unit part of how your family operates.

Ginger came to us from a shelter having been abused as just a pup.
She always seemed a bit skittish, like she never got over that early trauma.
She was a dear sweet thing; I always said she was on a see food diet.
She’d eat anything and everything, and no other dog should leave their bowl unattended.
She mothered every pet that came along after her,
and those who were already there, and treated them like her own.
That was pretty funny to see with Annie, who grew to three times her size.
She got along with the cats when they were in the mix.
She happily moved with me when I re-married.
She adapted yet again when little Wink joined us two years ago.
She was just a gentle, loving soul.

She loved her walks whether it be in the neighborhood or in the woods.
We often asked her if she wanted to go for a walk.
I swear she would race around the house and expend more energy than on the walk,
just getting ready racing back and forth between us as we prepared.
She and Wink just loved our hikes at Greenway Farms, Prentice Cooper
Forest and Signal Mountain.  The week we spent in the Smokies was a special treat.
That was the happiest I ever saw her just romping around chasing chipmunks and such.
She had this happy smile on her face all the time out there.
We got the biggest kick out of the two of them racing off into the woods.
Then they’d come roaring back down the trail
and see that “yup we were still plodding along.”
Then off they would tear on some new adventure.

The sad thing is when it’s time to go.
She crossed that Rainbow Bridge yesterday.
Ginger my dear friend you will be missed.
Now it is my time to adjust to living without you.
Knowing that whenever I was home you just wanted to be near,
a dear friend told me she was a wee little angel now.
So every now and then in the weeks, months,
and years ahead when I sense something,
I’ll just know my wee little angel is paying me a visit again,
just to be around me once again.
I know a broad smile will cross my face
as I remember her in all her grace.

All My Love Always, Keith

Thursday, December 17, 2015

We Are Each Gifted 12.17.15

We Are Each Gifted 

I love all that I have expereinced,
the great, the good,
the not so good, and the bad.
It's made me who I am today.
I love where I come from.
I love how I got here.
I love where I'm going.
I love how I'm growing.
I love who I am.
I am Free!
All My Love Always, Keith 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Gift of Life 12.15.15

Gift of Life  12.15.15

Enjoy the journey.
Enjoy the gift.
It is a present, you unwrap
with every breath you take.

All My Love Always, Keith

Friday, December 11, 2015

Welcome It! 12.11.15

Welcome, It!  12.11.15

I've used this technique for the last year or so.
I adopted it after reading The Untethered Soul by Micahel Singer.
It revolves around the old maxim of "what you resist persists!"
What is it you say?

Simple when I feel a headache coming on
I just think I want to experience the pain of it, all of it.
I want to bring it in.
Feel it and let it be.
Does it work?
Well, it's not 100% but it sure does work an awful lot of the time.
Most of the time what I experience later is "didn't I feel a headache coming on?"

A couple of new reads bring this back to mind.
I'm reading Birthing a Greater Reality by Robert Brumet.
He discusses the great Swiss psychologist C.G. Jung's
shadow concept and how to resolve them.
Then I read a piece from the NY Times about
the Impostor Syndrome by Carl Richards.


Robert Brumet and Carl Richards
both are saying very similar things.
Brumet lists these steps:
"Healing of the shadow occurs when we:
- Recognize the symptoms.
- Consciously experience these symptoms and fully accept them.
- Dialogue with the symptoms.
- Work with deeper feelings that emerge;
this may be the shadow characteristic itself.
- Dialogue with the shadow characteristic.
- Consciously experience and embrace this quality within yourself;
allow the full experience of the feelings that arise.
- Cultivate understanding and compassion for why this quality was
initially repressed into the shadow;
be patient and gentle with yourself.

Something to think about and try.
As a male, I have had a lot of times where when I felt uncomfortable
it seemed the acceptable thing to do was just stuff those feelings away.
Little did I know I was becoming a shadow creator at that moment.

Now I want to embrace my shadows and bring them to the light.
So I can release these old issues and become a better me.
So I can release these things that trigger old experiences
that I no longer want to respond from.
Or as Carl Richards says in his Impostor Syndrome article:
 “Welcome back old friend. I’m glad you’re here. Now, let’s get to work.”

All My Love Always, Keith

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Ho' Oponopono Prayer

This powerful prayer has come back to my awareness so often.
A dear friend shared her explanation of it
and it really drove home the impact
of the way those eleven simple words
are phrased. 
I use it often especially when I feel stuck

with someone or something that is troubling me.

Ho' Oponopono Prayer for Forgiveness

I Am Sorry. - that there is something in me that sees this in you.

Please Forgive Me. - because I have blocked my ability to see you
as my higher self does.

I Love You! - for giving me the opportunity to become 
a greater expression of who I really am.

Thank You! - for guiding me towards my own healing.

All My Love Always, Keith

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Ever Notice? 12.08.15

Ever Notice?

Have you ever noticed how old stuff pops up?
C.G. Jung called it the shadow.
Repressed parts of our personality that we don't want to see.
They come back when something in our daily lives triggers them.
  Often with more emotion attached to them
than the trigger would lead you to believe they would have.

Reading a book, Birthing a Greater Reality by Robert Brumet.
He states becoming aware of these shadows is key
and then one must take self-responsibility for them.
"The source of our unhappiness is always within our self.
Circumstances and other people can be a trigger or 
the catalyst for our difficulty, but our response
to any experience is always our responsibility."

It's essentially forgiveness work.
Releasing all the blame be it associated
with our self or others.
"Forgiveness is both a choice and a process."
That's "the taught us what we need to know" part.
They keep coming back until we learn from them.

We have many triggers from so many life events.
If we become aware and choose to change
we can release these triggers.
One by one as they come up.
It is a process, an ongoing process of forgiveness.
That frees us from our past.

All My Love Always, Keith

Love Life