Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Space

The Space

A dear friend and I were talking a while back.
She told me I had to learn how to live in the space,
the space between resisting and attachment.

Isn't that how we operate?
If we're fearful, or scared of an outcome we resist.
We don't want to go there or have that happen.
If we expect a certain result we're attached to that outcome.
We expect it to turn out in a certain way.

We live to control: the moment, the process, or the outcome.
But how much control do we really have?
There are thousands of events that go into any one thing occurring.
How much energy do we expend on trying to control life.

What if we just lived it.
We do our part, do our thing.
You live in the space between.
Life unfolds.
Life happens.

We do our part in it but if you step back,
look and really evaluate how much has to fall in place for it to occur,
we're just a tiny piece of a very large puzzle called life.
Living in the space between resisting and attachment,
it takes acceptance to live there,
since not everything unfolds the way we think it should.
Acceptance that God’s higher plan for us is unfolding
and sometimes we just don’t know why we’re directed
or challenged in ways that we don’t understand.  

God blesses you and yours this day and every day, Keith Noyes

Proverbs 3:5,6  Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and rely not on your own wisdom.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he shall direct your paths.

You are not a drop in the ocean.

You are the entire ocean in a drop.

- Rumi -

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