Sunday, March 12, 2017

Soul Contracts

Soul Contracts

A friend asked me about Soul Contracts.
So I decided to share this with all of you.
All I can speak to are my experiences.
My Spiritual awakening came in early 2011.
Along with it came all sorts of doubts and angst.
All revolving around: Why me? I'm not worthy of this!
And the big question. Am I going crazy?
Eventually, I grew to accept this "new me."
This new awareness that had come over me,
this feeling that Love is all there is.
Little did I know
it was just getting ready
to take me on the ride of my life.
A journey into the twilight zone
of things I once considered impossible.

In early 2012 roughly 18 months after the sudden loss of my wife
I got a call as I was driving home one night.
A dear Spiritual friend was telling me she felt led to ask me this:
"Keith, do you think Jane knew it was going to end like this?"
There are moments in your life when you know you have heard "TRUTH."
Truth shivers overwhelmed me;
I had tears streaming from my eyes,
my body was heaving with the magnitude of what she just said.
I had to pull off the road and stop the car.
We discussed this at length,
and I knew she was right.
Boy did I know she was right!

A couple of years later my Minister recommended a psychic friend of hers.
I had a reading, and it came up again.
"You've done this before and got so caught up in being human
that when you transitioned you realized you didn't do what you came in to do.
Keith, you and Jane, have had many lives together.
You made an agreement when you came in this time.
That if you got so caught up in being a human and forgot why you came in
Jane would provide a dramatic wake-up call."

Just over a year ago I had a reading with an evidential medium.
She brought a very similar message.
I had already come to view Jane's sudden death was a great gift.
For she had changed my life forever the day, she suddenly left it.
It eventually had led to this massive Spiritual awakening in me.
But these three events just put that in a much larger perspective.
We planned this!
We planned this to open me up
to the Spiritual mission I had chosen before I came in:
to awaken to my Spirituality and to share it.

Friends take whatever resonates with you from this or none of it at all.
I know it sounds "out there,"
but my life has now become that.
Living on the outer edges, the twilight zone, of what I consider reality
or even possible only for it to expand even more.
To include things I once thought were not possible at all.

You see after my Spiritual Awakening
the next thing that happened was this Spiritual download.
It went on for weeks.
To share was all it was.
It brought back the same doubts and angst questions
that came in with the Spiritual awakening.
That was all I got for weeks.
To share.
So today again I share.

To grow in Love,
to share in Love,
to be Love,
and to see where it takes me.

All My Love Always, Keith

 A few resources to explore this:
Your Soul's Plan by Robert Schwartz
Your Soul's Gift by Robert Schwartz
Journey of Souls by Michael Newton, PhD
Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton, PhD

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