Saturday, March 18, 2017

A Shift In Perception

A Shift In Perception

Marianne Williamson states: "a miracle is
a shift in perception from Fear to Love."

There are many acronyms for the word fear.

FEAR    False Evidence Appearing Real
FEAR    False Expectations Appearing Real
FEAR    False Experiences Appearing Real
FEAR    False Emotions Appearing Real
FEAR    Future Events Appearing Real
FEAR    Former Events Actually Repeating
FEAR    False Expectations About Reality
FEAR    Frantic Effort to Avoid Reality
FEAR    Finding Excuses and Reasons
FEAR    Failure Expected And Received
FEAR    Future Events Already Ruined
FEAR    Forget Everything And Run

But to shift from Fear to Love,
don't you need to change your definition of it?
Trudy Vesotsky talks of the illusion of it.
To shatter the illusion of the force of those definitions
to realize that you have carried them around long enough.
How about replacing them with powerful affirming ones?

FEAR    Face Everything And Recover
FEAR    Face Everything And Rise
FEAR    Face Everything And Rejoice
FEAR    Face it   Explore it   Accept it   Rise above it

Too simple you say!
That's the question is it not?
Are you willing to choose to make the shift from Fear to Love?
To make a decision to quit living in fear of the past or the future
and choose to live in this very moment
with a positive outlook no matter what stands before you.
To become aware when the old meanings rise in you yet again
then to choose to anchor a new meaning for it.
For in the end to shift perceptions you must choose.
My wish for you is to become aware and to choose Love, always.

Keep an open mind, watch for signs; there are no coincidences.

All My Love Always, Keith

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