Monday, March 20, 2017


A dear friend has a blog she wrote this about smiles today.
This is in honor of her gift and sharing it.
Check out her blog.

A smile.
Is it not a

universal symbol,
a sign -
how powerful 
can be the 
turning up the
corners of your mouth?

Try it.
Yes, you feel 
the change,
the shift,
in your body,
your thoughts -
even when you
physically "make"
yourself smile.

And when you
walk amongst others -
do you not 
have an awareness,
a detector that 
looks for a smile -
do you smile first 
or do you wait 
for the "go-ahead"
when another
smiles at you?

But can you
not smile
even when others 
are not around -
do not pleasant memories,
or funny images
that you see
cause you to smile -
do you not feel
the lift in
your spirit
as your face 
lights up
and moves 
into a smile?

Do you not signal
to others,
with the openness 
of a smile -
is not a smile
a way to beam
the Love from
your heart -
is it not simply
Love for all
to see?

Is not a smile
an expression
of unconditional Love -
such as when you
smile at a baby,
or at a beloved pet -
do you not smile
when you feel
Love in your heart?

There is power 
in the expression:
"when you smile,
the whole world
smiles with you."

Smiles are contagious -
it is the Love
that all do seek -
can you be the
first to smile
wherever you
may be?

Does not a smile
go beyond -
"I see You,"
is not a smile
a moment,
a glimpse,
a ray
of Love?

Be a beacon of Love.
Be a beacon of Light.
Open up your heart
and feel it
when you smile.

Look in the mirror,
see You smiling 
back at you -
yes, you feel the change,
there is a shift
in your body,
your thoughts,
as you beam the Love
from your heart
to You.

Share Love.
Share a smile.
You cannot help 
but smile
in the presence 
of Love.

Be the Love
that helps you
break into a smile.

To  Grow  In  Love,
To  Share  In  Love,
To  Be  Love,
And  To  See  Where  It  Takes  Me.

All   My   Love   Always,   Keith

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