Saturday, March 4, 2017

Messages From Heaven

My daughter Erin called me one day
told me how this beautiful blue butterfly was flitting around her
after she parked her car.
She held out her hand and the butterfly landed and sat there.
Long enough even for her to even take pictures.
I told her that was your mom saying "Hi!"
My daughter said: "I know, Dad."

This post was driven by the picture in the link above
from Evidential Medium Suzanne Giesemann.
So this picture brings tears of joy to my eyes
at the remembrance of that special moment
I got to share with my daughter,
and again with my wife even though she is in Spirit.
By the way, blue was my wife Jane's favorite color,
no coincidences there my friends.
When she crossed over I started awakening to the other side
and that there was far more going on
than I ever had taken the time to notice.
This line "Keep an Open Mind, Watch for Signs,
for there are No Coincidences"
was a key take away from the first book I read by a medium
that really opened me up
to the possibility of contact with the other side.
There's been many now
and they are often so subtle
but my friends they are there!

All My Love Always, Keith

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