Last week I introduced some of my friends to a Spiritual Teacher
I’ve studied for more than five years, Dr. David R. Hawkins.
That led to some confusion about who he was.
So I dug up a couple of online bios about him.
My eye caught this Latin term in one of his bios, Unio Mystica.
At our Sunday service,
we had an incredible guest musician from Nashville Lisa Firestone.
At the end of one song, she invited Mandie Meow up
to sign the ending verses,
and she asked all of us to follow along signing with Mandie.
She signed:
I send my Love over the mountains.
I send my Love over the sea.
I send my Love into the heavens, and it returns to me.
Lisa’s invitation to participate was magical.
Showers of God bumps washed over me
as I joined in with the whole congregation signing those verses.
Mandie not only signed the words she lived them
and infused the signing with a heartfelt emotion and expression
that filled all who watched her
and signed along with her.
It was a truly mystical time of the service.
I was Feeling that song
as well as singing it
and signing along with it.
Near the end, Lisa looked, at Mandie
and simply said: "Again."
Mandie raised her hands to the heavens
and brought them down
and crossed her her arms at her heart, signing:
I send my Love into the heavens, and it returns to me.
I experienced an even larger wave
of the feeling of Unio Mystica at that moment.
It was so very powerful and so full of Love.
One of the early Spiritual aha’s I had
were my takeaways from a book I was led to read.
Keep an Open Mind, Watch For Signs, and There are No Coincidences.
As I related this in a post to the church Facebook page,
those same feelings arose and washed all over me again
bringing me to tears of joy.
Later that afternoon at our Spiritual book club
where we study Dr. Hawkins
I felt compelled to relate this experience.
The same feelings arose in me,
and again I was reaching for tissues.
The feelings and understandings
that have come over me since are these.
Spirit drew my attention to the term Unio Mystica.
Then Spirit opened me up to experiencing it.
Truly there are no coincidences
for when I looked up the definition
of Unio Mystica after church it was this:
Unio Mystica, the union of the individual human Soul with the Godhead.
Sincere thanks to all of you at Unity of Chattanooga who participated in this.
A special heartfelt Thank You to Mandie Meow and Lisa Firestone
for bringing that song alive for us
and touching our Souls with it
in Unio Mystica!
For a mystical union with song, The All That Is,
and those in attendance, it was.
To grow in Love,
to share in Love,
to be Love,
and to see where it takes me.
Unio Mystica
All My Love Always, Keith
I Send My Love by Karen Drucker
This Eckhart Tolle quote has just been popping up in my
Facebook notifications for a couple of days. I think Spirit wants me to share it again. No coincidences again.