Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Games We Play

The Games We Play

I woke up thinking about
the 12.23.17 Wilkes Barre Healing piece
I posted yesterday.
I felt I needed to say
a bit more about it.

I know the blaming or burying
game we play
doesn’t solve grief for us.
We can blame ourselves
as much as we want
all we are doing
is adding more energy to it.

Yes, the energy of condemning ourselves
for something we had no control over
just adds to it.
I also know the burying game
doesn’t work either.
There is an emotional energy with it
that needs to be released.

Burying grief or any other strong emotion
doesn’t work
because it never addresses
the energy of said emotion.

I actually appreciate the act of crying
it is a physical release of energy
 associated with whatever you cry about.
Now when it happens
I mentally tell myself
to really cry it out,
let all the energy of it out.

It’s funny especially as a male
I felt I was supposed to bury hurt,
I was supposed to blame myself
when I got hurt for letting it happen,
I was supposed to shut down
my crying response
because it wasn't "manly."

Now I feel all of these
are counterproductive
they don’t allow you
to diffuse the energy of grief
they bottle it up inside you instead.

Then it winds up finding its way
back to the surface
sometimes years later.
Because you never dealt
with releasing it
or letting go of it.
You’re hanging on
in this vain attempt
that somehow that makes it better.
It doesn’t.

Letting go of those emotions
allows the love that was there
to remain in your memories
without the attachment to the energy
of how painful the loss was.

For me, you need to lose the energy
of the grief or anger or remorse or blame
or whatever it is that so pains you
before you can truly heal yourself.
Then you can allow the love
and the beauty of the relationship
to see daylight again
and to experience the whole reason
of why you grieved so deeply;
it was because you Loved So Deeply.

Let go of the blame and burying energies
or whatever they were for you
and let the love you so deeply held
for them see the light of day again.
Let that smile
that washed across your face
when you saw them bloom again.
Let the loving energy of the one you so loved
blossom in your life once again.

Memories can be powerful reminders
of the very love you shared
and why they meant so very much to you.
Then when those memories come again
that loving smile you had for them
will bloom again.
That loving energy you had for them
will express again
and warm your heart.
That love you had for them
will wash over you
with a gladness
that you’ve welcomed
it back into your life.
You’ve welcomed their love
back into your life.

All My Love Always, Keith

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