Hidden Lesson
Hiking the other day my wife lost her glasses.
I took my dog Wink and headed back out the next day
to retrace our hike and see if I could find them.
I was deliberate in my search
scanning the path ahead as we ambled along
and kept my focus on the mission we had.
Walked the whole trail backward to no avail,
I couldn't find the missing glasses.
I wanted to get out and hike the next day
and told her I was going to try once more.
She decided to come along.
She had a good idea
on what section of the trail she lost them,
and we again trekked off in the reverse direction
in the hopes of finding them.
We hiked until she was sure
we were at a spot
before they had become lost.
Not knowing what to do
and feeling we had given it our best shot
we elected just to hike out the way we came in.
I remember still looking anyway
neither of us not caring much
about the outcome at this point.
I have been practicing
this new spiritual mantra I learned recently.
I've put hand motions to it
and silently said it in my mind:
Align, Allow, Let Go.
My hands come to the prayer position,
then open and rise up to the sky
followed by my hands turning outward
and sweeping down to my side.
The prayer position is
Aligning to my true nature
that of Love, kindness, and compassion.
The hands raised and open are
the Allow position,
allowing that true nature
to be the outward expression of my being.
The hands sweeping out and coming down
to my sides are the Let Go motion,
letting go of all that no longer serves my highest good.
So I mentally said Align, Allow, and Let Go
as I hiked along and did these hand motions.
Something about this practice just feels good to me,
so I keep on doing it
and sharing it with others.
A bit later I'm thinking of an email
a dear friend sent me earlier
"You are the vibrational writers of the script of your life,
"You are the vibrational writers of the script of your life,
and everyone else in the Universe
is playing the part that you have assigned to them."
Excerpted from San Francisco, CA on 3/2/97
Our Love, Esther (Abraham and Jerry).
My mental words after this thought
are about how thankful and joyous we are
after having found her glasses.
A sense of joy fills me about the idea
of this miraculous occurrence.
I feel it, and a smile washes over my face.
Moments later just ahead of me my wife says
"Hey, look at this!"
She's pointing at this small tree leaning away from the path.
I catch up to her and see she's looking
at her glasses
placed at about eye level on the leaning tree.
We both are giving thanks to the Universe
and the kind soul who put them there,
both of us feeling joyous and grateful
for having found them.
I go on to tell her about my silent thoughts
just before she saw her glasses
there propped up on that tree.
We move on a few steps,
and I tell her how wonderful it is
to be aware of how Spirit moves in our lives.
We had been scouring the trail
with our eyes at shoe level as we walked,
never entertaining the idea
someone had found them
and put them at eye level beside the trail.
I was entertaining the vibrational idea
of how good it would feel
to have found them,
only to have Spirit show up
and give us a lesson
with this hidden gift.
with this hidden gift.
We Aligned with the flow of Spirit,
Allowing and accepting
whatever was to come of this search to pass,
and then Letting Go of it all.
Both of us had accepted
they were not going to be found
and we were ok with that.
My vibrational alignment with feeling
came just moments before Laura looked up
and saw there was this hidden gift.
A teaching it was for both of us
that's for sure.
To Align vibrationally with Spirit and feel it.
To Allow Spirit to work in your life,
and not trying to control how it unfolds,
looking at the path only
instead of looking up from the trail.
And Letting Go of the outcome,
allowing the highest and best to unfold for you.
Maybe we don't even understand what that is
we just think we know.
We're still both smiling over this one.
Yes, joyous and thankful we still are
for this hidden lesson.
for this hidden lesson.
All My Love Always, Keith
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