Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Games We Play

The Games We Play

I woke up thinking about
the 12.23.17 Wilkes Barre Healing piece
I posted yesterday.
I felt I needed to say
a bit more about it.

I know the blaming or burying
game we play
doesn’t solve grief for us.
We can blame ourselves
as much as we want
all we are doing
is adding more energy to it.

Yes, the energy of condemning ourselves
for something we had no control over
just adds to it.
I also know the burying game
doesn’t work either.
There is an emotional energy with it
that needs to be released.

Burying grief or any other strong emotion
doesn’t work
because it never addresses
the energy of said emotion.

I actually appreciate the act of crying
it is a physical release of energy
 associated with whatever you cry about.
Now when it happens
I mentally tell myself
to really cry it out,
let all the energy of it out.

It’s funny especially as a male
I felt I was supposed to bury hurt,
I was supposed to blame myself
when I got hurt for letting it happen,
I was supposed to shut down
my crying response
because it wasn't "manly."

Now I feel all of these
are counterproductive
they don’t allow you
to diffuse the energy of grief
they bottle it up inside you instead.

Then it winds up finding its way
back to the surface
sometimes years later.
Because you never dealt
with releasing it
or letting go of it.
You’re hanging on
in this vain attempt
that somehow that makes it better.
It doesn’t.

Letting go of those emotions
allows the love that was there
to remain in your memories
without the attachment to the energy
of how painful the loss was.

For me, you need to lose the energy
of the grief or anger or remorse or blame
or whatever it is that so pains you
before you can truly heal yourself.
Then you can allow the love
and the beauty of the relationship
to see daylight again
and to experience the whole reason
of why you grieved so deeply;
it was because you Loved So Deeply.

Let go of the blame and burying energies
or whatever they were for you
and let the love you so deeply held
for them see the light of day again.
Let that smile
that washed across your face
when you saw them bloom again.
Let the loving energy of the one you so loved
blossom in your life once again.

Memories can be powerful reminders
of the very love you shared
and why they meant so very much to you.
Then when those memories come again
that loving smile you had for them
will bloom again.
That loving energy you had for them
will express again
and warm your heart.
That love you had for them
will wash over you
with a gladness
that you’ve welcomed
it back into your life.
You’ve welcomed their love
back into your life.

All My Love Always, Keith

Saturday, December 23, 2017

The Wilkes Barre Healing

The Healing at Serving Spirit One in Wilkes Barre

Back in late October, I attended Suzanne Giesemann's
Serving Spirit One workshop on mediumship.
I had a healing experience while I was there.
I got up there early and met with a group of people;
we had all met through Suzanne.
We had eaten so much together
the first few days we were there
I passed on lunch the first day of the workshop.

I went back outside to be in nature.
I knew there was a small creek
and some woods out back
with a trail and walking bridge over it.
I walked onto the bridge
and noticed a new friend Lisa Klee
and an old friend Patty Loftus Jones
standing in the middle of it talking.
When I got to them, I knew why.
The stream with its miniature waterfalls
was nature’s music at its finest
a perfect place to stop and chat
and soak up nature’s song.

I stopped to talk to them.
Patty left, at that point; I told Lisa
I think I still have some blocks to deal with.
I had already heard
she had some spiritual gifts and was a healer.
Patty had our group in for a meditation
Lisa led a day or two before
at a nearby metaphysical store.
So when she asked if she could put
her hands on my shoulders,  
I said yes.
She told me I did have a block.
"It is in your right leg."

I explained to her that my right leg
became painful on the long drive up,
13 hours over two days.
Not buying my explanation of it
she said that’s old energy
that no longer serves you
and it’s come up now for healing.
You’ve got to give it back
to the Universe.

She went on to explain a healing technique.
Picture it as a shape and color,
then expand your energetic self
into the stream below us.
Let it flow away with the water in the stream.
Release that energy back to the Universe.
 I tried it and didn't feel it was working.
I told her I think it would be better
if I went down there
and sat on the rocks in the stream.   

She and Patty left the bridge,
and I stood there for a while longer
trying to expand my energy into the stream.
Then I decided I really did need
to be down by the stream to do this
healing release technique she recommended.
As I turned to walk off the bridge,
I noticed she was standing at the end of it
doing something with her cell phone.

I took a few steps and was overcome
with this powerful feeling,
this emotional reaction,
a knowing that this block was my guilt
over not knowing how sick my wife was
before she died.
How I felt responsible
for not getting her proper medical attention
in time to save her life.
How it was my fault, she died!

As I got to the end of the bridge,
I stopped with tears in my eyes
and told her this.
My whole body felt heavy
with this realization
of what the block was.
It was an intense old feeling
that I just now had allowed to surface.
It brought me back to the many hours
 I had spent with a Hospice counselor
trying to work through my grief.
This very thing had come up,
and she told me
"Don't go there; you did all you could."

But right then on that bridge,
I realized the folly of that advice.
I had already gone there!
I had already blamed myself for her death
and her "don't go there" was too late.
I already had,
and now these many years later
I had to face it again.

So I made my way down to the creek
 to where the mini waterfalls were.
I picked a large boulder right in the middle
and sat down.
Settling in and stretching my legs out in front of me
with the water rushing by all around me.
Closing my eyes and focusing
on what she had told me to do.

She had cautioned me
not come up with a negative picture
of the energy that needed to be released.
Lisa said it's all just energy.
So my active mind immediately
came up with a black ball and chain.
Remembering her instruction,
I decided it needed to be a liquid,
neutral, with no emotional charge to it,
just energy finding a way out.

I pictured this thick red liquid
running down the back of my sore leg
and dripping off my right heel
and gently dropping into the flowing stream.
I deliberately had my heal
hanging off the edge of the rock I rested on.
All of its energy released
back to the Universe just like she told me.
I sat there for quite some time envisioning this.
Sitting there with the water rushing away
from the direction I was facing.

After a while, I opened my eyes
marveling at the cool fall day
and all the leaves falling all around me.
Then my vision of this energy
that was being released
became the leaves raining down into the stream.
After a while, a long, strong gust of wind
blew down the stream bed.
Leaves just showered onto the water
and I just knew the healing was over
as I watched the leaves being carried away
by the quickly flowing waters.

I got up and immediately noticed
the back of my right leg felt very cool.
It was a cool fall day,
but my right hip and thigh felt much cooler
than the left
from sitting on that cold rock for so long
and was completely pain-free.
 Now that got my attention.
This was a healing!

I decided to walk upstream.
There was no trail,
so I just picked my way over the rocky streambed,
thinking of Jane, the wife I lost.
Then I came upon a large tunnel
with a peaked roof
made to carry the stream under a local road.
I stopped and gazed
at the scene.
Right at the peak of the tunnel
was a white cross!

It brought Jane to mind again
and the healing I just experienced.
I was taking pictures,
and there were rainbows
in the one with the cross.
I thanked Jane
for being with me yet again this day
and sending me a sign.
When I relayed this account to Patty,
she said: "maybe that's why
you are here this weekend?"
At that point, it sure felt that way to me.

I think this thing we call grief is like an onion.
We keep peeling away at the layers of it.
Often thinking we are done
with parts of it
or all of it.
Only to realize years later we aren't.

We try all these different ways to move beyond it.
To hold the loving memories
and shed the emotional baggage of them
only to find it’s a work in progress.
Even this healing seemed to have an avenue of release
that morphed into something different
the longer I stayed with it
only to reveal a sign from Spirit
at the end of it
as if to say "pay attention
to what just happened."

So I share this in the hopes
this helps others.
I know the Christmas season
often leads us to remember
those we've loved
and who are no longer with us.

All My Love Always, Keith

Monday, December 4, 2017

Still Right Here

Still Right Here

This piece is titled after a new book by Suzanne Giesemann.
A medium and gentle soul I’ve come to call a friend.
She spoke at our church over four years ago
and I remember how moved my new wife Laura and I were
by her presentation and teachings.

I thought I had lost my first wife Jane E. over seven years ago.
She came to me in what I thought was a dream a few months after that.
A golden ring was around her face she was radiant.
Then she kissed me on the lips, and I felt it.

That day changed my whole perspective
on this thing, we call death.
I refer to it as a transition now.
Our energy lives on in a form
we don't quite understand in this realm
but it lives on of that I am sure.

Why because it continues to express itself in wondrous ways.
I remember asking her for a sign one night months after her first visit.
That night an alarm clock radio turned on in the middle of the night.
I had never used it as a radio only as a clock
and when I checked it in the morning the radio was turned to off.

Again I asked her for a sign at work sometime after that
and our song comes on the radio
a tune that never was a hit or got any real playtime.
I just said thank you at that point
realizing some things are hard to comprehend
but they are real just the same.

It led me on a journey to explore my spirituality,
it's led me to find many like-minded people
who have become dear friends
because we have a shared experience
and realize it is an awakening experience
that there is so much more to life
then what we once thought.

It led me to Suzanne over four years ago.
So when Suzanne asked me to help with this video
to promote her new book
I knew it was the right thing to do
I even had my daughter Erin film it for me.
I'm honored to have been one of the many people
Suzanne has touched
with her books and teachings
and who she asked to help.

Mediumship is real.
She's come to me in numerous readings
with different mediums
and unique information
no one else knows.
Yes, she’s still right here.

Her book chronicles four families
who have lost children and their stories.
Reading this book is a journey worth taking
especially if you have struggled with loss
as I have.
It's a journey worth taking 
because its a journey of healing.

All My Love Always, Keith

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Old Friends

Old Friends  11.14.17

As I enter the woods this day for my hike,
I’m thinking of an old friend
who reconnected with me this year.
How is it that when an old friend reconnects
with you, it just seems so right.

Now as I set my feet in front of each other
on the trail, in the woods, I feel the same.
As I walk along all the trees, I see
are like many old friends standing there.
It doesn’t take long for me to realize
how much I enjoy walking in the woods.
It’s like old home week.  I just so enjoy it. 

I often feel like I’m in a meditative state
as I hike along.
So is it any wonder my thoughts slip into
thinking of other dimensions.
How many experiences I’ve had
these past seven years or so
that have altered my sense of what reality is.

Now as I walk in the woods.
In a dimension, I can sometimes sense,
there are just as many
lost loved ones, Angels, and Guardian Angels all around me
as there are trees in this forest.
My how many old friends
we all have on this and in other dimensions,
yeah, call me a bit out there if you want.

Isn’t that the truth about reality, though?
We keep on refining our interpretation of it as we go
as we gain more insight and have more experiences
that open us yet again to this miracle we call life.

One thing I'm sure of is there is more to reality
than what our senses let in all the time.
Let your definition of reality be pliable
and see how things start to change.
There's no end to the mysteries
that unfold if we keep our minds open.

All My Love Always, Keith

Sunday, November 5, 2017



for the cardinals
flitting around my deck. 


for the fall colors
that grace my eyes. 


for another day
as a squirrel drinks
from the birdbath. 


for nature’s gifts
that surround my awareness
each and every day.

All My Love Always, Keith