Thursday, April 5, 2018

Take A Minute

Take A Minute
I went into meditation today
a friend’s name came to mind,
not once but twice.
So I took that name
into meditation with me.

As I came out of meditation,
I remembered the song
at the end of a moving
spiritual group session last night.
It concluded with the song
100,000 Angels.

So I played it
and listened meditatively
hanging on the words.
So much so
that I looked up the lyrics
as I played it over again.

Then I thought of this blog
and how I’ve been quiet lately
so here I sit writing a bit again
and sharing them with you.

The Lyrics of A Hundred Thousand Angels by Bliss
Do you hear me calling you
The voice of a mother
And a father and a child
Would you recognize the truth
Do you feel the love that's falling
From my eyes?

Take just a minute
Come and rest you by my side
Let me tell you your own story
Let me walk you through your life
Only a second
It's all it takes to realize
There's a hundred thousand angels by your side
There's a hundred thousand angels by your side

Do you hear me talk to you
I whisper through doorways
And pathways of your mind
Clear like the morning dew
And fresh from my journey
Cross an ocean of blue...

Take just a minute
Come and rest you by my side
Let me tell you your own story
Let me walk you through your life
Only a second it's all it takes to realize
There's a hundred thousand angels by your side
There's a hundred thousand angels here tonight

I’ve listened to it
a number of times this morning.
It dawns on me
or has come into my awareness
that there’s Love flowing
out of my eyes.
And as I write to my friends
I realize it is flowing
out of yours too!

May we see that
in ourselves today.
The Light of the One
pouring out of our eyes.
May we see
that we are
the Love
we seek.
 And take a minute
to see
who we truly are.

All My Love Always, Keith

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