Tuesday, October 31, 2017

You Are


You are.
You are the light.
You are the love.

You are
the love & light
that you seek.

Step within
to find out
who you really are.

Step into
the love & light
of what you seek.
are that.

All My Love Always, Keith

Friday, October 13, 2017

Be Gratitude

Be Gratitude

Be grateful,
Be present.

When you are in
a state of gratitude
is that not part of it?

Being present
in the very moment,
grateful for every last thing
that has brought you
to where you are?

Where you can find
an appreciation
for the good
and especially for the life lessons
learned the hard way.

Gratitude for
the journey of learning
you have had
and will continue to have.
So take a moment
and allow yourself
the grace of being present
and stepping into
an appreciation,
a thankfulness,
a compassionate understanding
of you.

Enjoy the breath,
the beingness of you.
Yes, take a look
at how far you have come
as viewed from your
present moment.

But stay there.
Sit in the moment,
enjoy just being you
from your Souls
point of view.

Then ask yourself
which came first
the presence 
or the gratitude?
All My Love Always, Keith

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Slip and Fall

Slip and Fall

We've all done it.
We've all done
it physically
slipped and fallen.

What is there to do
but get back up
and start again,
to right ourselves
and move forward?

Now when we've
verbally or mentally
slipped and fallen,
do we not get into
the mental discussions
we so love?

Why me?
How could I do that?
Not again!
The list goes
on and on.

Isn't part of growing
in awareness
a realization
of dropping the need
to be so self-critical
to keep our focus off
criticism and blame
and shift it?

To shift it back
to what we've always done
to get back up
and start again,
to right ourselves
and move forward
and leave
the mental drama behind?  

All My Love Always, Keith

Saturday, October 7, 2017

I Have A Glass

I Have A Glass

Glass half empty
I used to be that way a lot.
There was this pessimistic bent
to my thoughts.
It got to be a bit
of a pervasive pattern
of feeling.

But what are thoughts?
Can't they be changed?
Why do we try to fit
new events
into old patterns?

I guess that's where
I am now.
I've changed my thoughts.
Was it intentional?
Sure at times, it was,
and sometimes it was not.

Now I'm just happy
to have a glass.
I know there are times
it will be overflowing,
others not so much.

But all along
I still have the glass,
and I can choose to perceive
what is in the glass
in many different ways.

Isn't that what awareness is?
So today I choose to be grateful
I have a glass,
no matter how much is in it.
I choose not to judge
the level in the glass
but to just be thankful
for what I have in it.

Even if it is empty
for I know that will change
soon enough
if I stay focused on being
grateful and thankful
for what I do have. 

I have a glass
and for me right now
that is enough.

All My Love Always, Keith

Friday, October 6, 2017

A Focus on Gratitude

A Focus on Gratitude

A dear friend
put me onto a
21 Day Affirmation
Challenge page.

Which, in turn,
led me to look for
other positive affirmation
Facebook places to visit.

I found one called
Gratitude too.
I have visited these sites
nearly every morning
for a few weeks.

A knowing
comes into my awareness
that as I read these,
I think and share
my gratitude’s too.

Thoughts of gratitude
and appreciation
at the start of the day,
in turn, set me up
with a subconscious intention.

A focus on gratitude
that throughout my day
I notice things
for which I am grateful.

Start your day
contemplating gratitude;
you just may find
it bears fruit
all day long.  

All My Love Always, Keith

Thursday, October 5, 2017



What is a symphony?
Is it not a collection
of musical notes
from a large variety
of instruments
blended by a maestro
into a beautiful piece of music
that delights our ears?

What if we view ourselves
as individual notes
in the symphony of God?
The All That Is, The Universe,
the Cosmic Matrix, God
take your pick
whatever name you choose
to call that Divine force
that is in all things.

What if we are all here
to see how we fit
in the Symphony
of The All That Is?

Some of us never ask
or even think of this question.
We scurry all about
in our humanness
focusing on family, work,
all the human stuff
with which we are involved.

To some of us,
this realization comes early.
Then some of us
only realize we are part
of something larger, more profound
after we’ve been here a while.

But what if we are a note
in a far more important
piece of work?
We go through our lives,
and suddenly things
seem different.

We go through these
shifts of awareness
where everything
just seems to flow better,
makes more sense.
You know, if I view this
from a higher perspective
everything changes!

Now we are getting somewhere
this symphony is the one
to which I belong.
Then we find
we are still searching.
Am I in the right movement
of this symphony?

We begin to see
the beauty of it.
Once we find
the right movement,
we search for
the right instrument.

Eventually, we realize
all this while
we were looking
for the right place
for our note to play.

May you delight
in finding yours.
May you realize how many
different times and ways
your note has played.
How varied your
playlist has become.

How many lives
you have touched
with the note
that plays from
your heart of hearts.

All My Love Always, Keith

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Woods

The Woods

Grateful I am
for my walks in the woods.
Where I hike
in the peaceful serenity
of the forest,
where the peace and tranquility
seep into my being.

Where no matter
what the day
has brought
or where I've come from
I find a solace,
a grounding
The All That Is.

How even when
I notice
the sun slipping away
and a murky dusk
rising before my eyes
that within the woods
a symphony
of night sounds
does start to arise.
Taking me on
an auditory journey
into the serenity
of the woods.

How even
as I leave the woods
this peace and tranquility
stay with me.
How I share it
knowingly or unknowingly
with all whom
I come in contact with
and in so doing
bring a bit of it to you.

All  My  Love  Always,  Keith

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Early Morn

Early Morn

I am grateful
for the quiet peaceful nature
of the early morn.

It sets my intention
for the day.

To live from that place
of quiet peacefulness
that lies within me.

All My Love Always, Keith

Monday, October 2, 2017

Healing Sounds

Healing Sounds

We had an English sound healer Rama Inacio
at Unity of Chattanooga on Sunday
for a workshop.
He led a group of us
through a five-stage healing process with sound.

He opened with a prayer
and asked us just to be open to whatever happened
and to keep our eyes closed.
Commenting how we didn’t have to think.
We could just sit there listening
and experiencing the sound
and turn off our thinking minds.

He started with an aura cleanse
using a giant gong.
This gong could be felt as well as heard.
As he worked his way around the room,
you could sense where it was coming from
and feel it in different ways as he moved around.
We sat in the silence for a bit when it ended
just checking in with our senses
and noticing how much these gong sounds
had affected us.

Then he told us we would start the healing stage
and it was necessary to go to each person
and play notes from a didgeridoo
based on that persons needs.
These didgeridoo notes
in themselves were so moving
as they went from side to side
and front to back
and here and there and back, again and again.

We moved on the balancing portion
of the healing.
Rama brought out a flute
and played and chanted.
By then at times I felt as if I was the sound.
Fascinating how into the pure aspect of the sounds I was
not just listening with my ears
but experiencing them with my whole body.

We moved into raising our vibrations
after the balancing.
For me, this was beyond anything I had experienced.
Rama told us he would come around
and tap each one of us on our foot.
At that point, we were to open our mouths
and just let our soul sound come forth
for an entire breath.

Then inhale and just keep on doing it
over and over.
Mine started as an Om like sound,
very long and drawn out.
Gradually we began raising the volume of it.
He told us to keep doing that.

It was most remarkable.
I heard the other soul sounds
of those around me,
four or five at least
and one who seemed to be chanting words
that I could not comprehend.
The sound emanating from me increased
and with it the feeling
that it was filling my chest
and resonating in my whole upper torso
even expanding it.

At times I would feel an increase in the sound,
and it was changing as if seeking to match
or harmonize with the other sounds,
changing all on its own without
my mental or thinking assistance.
As if seeking to work in concert
with the others in the room.
Those individual soul sounds
I heard around me began blending with mine,
and in doing so, they lost their individuality.

As we kept this up,
the louder we got,
the more blending that seemed to occur
the fuller my soul sound felt 
until the whole group seemed to
seamlessly flow somehow into one harmonic reverberation.
We were one as this sound,
all of us.
Again and again
blending as one sound.

An incredible experience
that I am here hours later
just basking in the utter beauty of it.
To me, it was truly
a transformational experience.

The last thing we did was integration.
Rama played this angelic music
and told us just to respond
or not however we wanted.
To integrate our experience into
the Universe, the All That Is,
whatever name you choose.

I found this rhythm flowing in the music
and just fell into humming
in this stepped cadence along with it,
again over and over this went.

He closed the session prayerfully,
and a few spoke of their unique experiences.
I just sat there basking in mine.

No telling what some
of the others would say
to what I write here.
I’m sure others experienced things
far different than mine.
But I am confident we all share a connection,
a oneness with each other,
that is far stronger now
then it was when the day started.

All My Love Always, Keith