Thursday, September 15, 2016

Continuity 09.15.16


Driving to my favorite hiking spot this morning.
My daughter calls up all bubbly exclaiming
 "You are the first one I thought of, I just have to tell you this. I know you'll love it!"
She lost a dear friend this spring, her own age, it was very traumatic for her.

Yesterday she was driving, and Lee comes into her awareness.
She wonders if it's just because she drove by the cemetery where he's buried.
Then she says I thought of visiting his grave, but I don't even visit moms.

She went on to say that after he had died so suddenly,
they dedicated one of their flowering hibiscuses to him.
Naming it "Lee's hibiscus."

She said early in the season it looked like it came back from the dead
and had up to 8 flowers on it at once. It just went crazy.
With all the heat and no rain this summer, she thought she was losing the plants.
None of them were producing flowers anymore.

Then after she got home, she thought "I wonder"
and went outside to check on it.
A huge new bloom!  She was overjoyed. Here're the pictures she sent me.

Just a story about the continuity of life.
How Spirit talks to us in subtle ways.
If we are but aware enough to notice.

All  My  Love  Always,  Keith

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