Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Metta Meditation - To All Beings

Metta Meditation Part Deux

Family medical issues in the Spring of 2018
led me to struggling with my meditation practice
just when I knew I needed to keep it going.
To aid in whatever came next,
to not let fear become my master.
I wrote a blog post
about one of the meditations
that really resonated with me:

Today February 12, 2020,
the Metta meditation was again referred to.
It starts with:
May I Be Happy,
May I Be Well,
May I Be Safe,
May I Be At Peace.

Then shift the focus
to someone you love with:
May You Be Happy,
May You Be Well,
May You be Safe,
May You Be At Peace.
The last repetition
is with someone you have an issue with.

So today, it was revisited with a twist.
We were told
to open our hearts as we did this.
"Place your hands on your heart
with the intention
of opening your heart wide."

The final part
was expanded "to All Beings."
I Wish For All Beings To Be Happy,
I Wish All Beings To Be Well,
I Wish All Beings To Be Safe,
I Wish All Beings To Be At Peace.

This time the meditation moved me even more
than the many times I have done it
over these last few years.
So touched I was
that I listened to the guided Metta meditation
a second time.
As I did,
it deepened my connection even more.
As it was concluding,
this filled my awareness,
"May I Love Myself As Much As the One Loves Us All."

A dear friend writes a blog.
Her blog today is "A Hand Of Love"
As I read my friend Sandy's post,
I was struck by
how much it was like an answer
to my meditation experience.
"let your Soul's knowing rise up to greet you…
…see with your heart, as your Soul rejoices."

At lunch, I told my wife about my meditation.
That Sandy's message today
was an apt description of how I felt.
This feeling that we all are connected
to something so vast
and so very loving was palpable.
Tears of joy graced my eyes,
my arms were awash with truth shivers.
I, too, was rejoicing with my Soul
over the connection we made this morning.

All My Love Always, Keith