Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Old Friends

Old Friends  11.14.17

As I enter the woods this day for my hike,
I’m thinking of an old friend
who reconnected with me this year.
How is it that when an old friend reconnects
with you, it just seems so right.

Now as I set my feet in front of each other
on the trail, in the woods, I feel the same.
As I walk along all the trees, I see
are like many old friends standing there.
It doesn’t take long for me to realize
how much I enjoy walking in the woods.
It’s like old home week.  I just so enjoy it. 

I often feel like I’m in a meditative state
as I hike along.
So is it any wonder my thoughts slip into
thinking of other dimensions.
How many experiences I’ve had
these past seven years or so
that have altered my sense of what reality is.

Now as I walk in the woods.
In a dimension, I can sometimes sense,
there are just as many
lost loved ones, Angels, and Guardian Angels all around me
as there are trees in this forest.
My how many old friends
we all have on this and in other dimensions,
yeah, call me a bit out there if you want.

Isn’t that the truth about reality, though?
We keep on refining our interpretation of it as we go
as we gain more insight and have more experiences
that open us yet again to this miracle we call life.

One thing I'm sure of is there is more to reality
than what our senses let in all the time.
Let your definition of reality be pliable
and see how things start to change.
There's no end to the mysteries
that unfold if we keep our minds open.

All My Love Always, Keith

Sunday, November 5, 2017



for the cardinals
flitting around my deck. 


for the fall colors
that grace my eyes. 


for another day
as a squirrel drinks
from the birdbath. 


for nature’s gifts
that surround my awareness
each and every day.

All My Love Always, Keith

Friday, November 3, 2017

The Power of We

The Power Of WE

As WE breathe so easily,
WE honor this gift of life.
WE realize we can lift ourselves up
with the grace of Spirit.

Expanding into our Soul's purpose
for this lifetime,
WE surrender any and all things
that no longer serves
the highest and best
of who WE came here to be.

WE shift into the purpose
our Soul set for us in this lifetime.
WE merge with the grace of God
into that purpose.

And WE experience
what it truly means
to be of service
to the One, The All That Is.

WE bless all the seen and unseen
gathered here.
May WE all step into who
WE were meant to be
and shine our love and lights so brightly
that's there's no question
that WE are all in service
to the Oneness that WE are.

And So It Is and ever shall be, Amen, Aho   

All My Love Always, Keith